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Titles and Ranks of the Simic Combine


In the Simic Combine, there are a total of 9 Speakers who oversee a zonot, a massive sinkhole community. New Speakers are appointed upon the death, retirement, or otherwise leaving of the position from previous Speakers. A new Speaker is appointed by a mix of popular election and the input of the other 8 Speakers, with the Prime Speaker having the final say in whether or not the appointment is made. This is a more political office than a scientific one, so the speakers naturally hold more power over the subject inside their zonot. For example, if a Clade operates inside of a Speaker's zonot, that Speaker has the right and responsibility to supervise its activities to ensure compliacne with laws and regulations. Speakers have no authority over other Combine members who live in separate zonots than the one they are assigned to.

Clade Leader

A Clade leader is often appointed after a successful career as a Project Leader, whose experience and expertise make them a good fit for a supervisory role. Clade Leaders are responsible for directing the efforts of researchers exploring a wide variety of projects related to the focus of your Clade[1]. Unless an experiment turns out to be especially interesting, these efforts often carry on without a Clade Leader's active supervision. Clades often span multiple zonots, so Clade Leaders often have as much power as the Speakers, but have no voice on the Speaker's Chamber, and must petition Speakers to speak on their behalf.

Project Leader

Project leaders are proven researchers and trusted to oversee their own projects, directing the efforts of other resarchers toward the solution of some problem facing the guild or Ravnica as a whole. The Speaker of your zonot gives you laboratory space, and you are assigned a staff of researchers. Because hosting successful and important works reflects highly on the Speaker, they often take a vested interest in specific Project Leaders, watching them closely. However, this attention is not just added pressure, as the Speaker will often try to meddle in the project in order to keep the project focus relevant to the overall goals of the Simic Combine. Gaining the Speaker's attention is not all bad, though, as Project Leaders who gain the attention of the Speaker can also expect exceptional and exclusive access to otherwise restricted resources, so long as their research proves fruitful.


Reseachers are capable of leading their own experiments. Researchers must be associated with a clade and work on experiments related to the primary focus under the general guidance of the Clade or Project Leader. Researchers often are given a wide latitude to pursue their own experiments under the general aegis of the clade's interests.


Luminaries are guardians and deepsages within the Simic, in other words, non-scientific members who contribute in other ways. Often used as instructors, teachers, and even soldiers for specific missions, the Luminaries are the non-scientific backbone of the Simic Combine that cover the other functions of the day-to-day life in the guild.


Technicians are the lowest rank in the Simic allowed to perform experiments. However, technicians must follow instructions of a designated researcher. Technicians are often used for menial tasks, such as collecting samples, delivering mail to different laboratories as correspondance between Project Leaders, and the general upkeep of the laboratory in which they operate.     [1]Information on each Clade is often generalized due to their size and area of operations. In recent research, it is noted that many areas of research overlap between the Clades, although specific Clades can focus more specifically on individual projects that further its cause. Information reported by House Dimir.
Prime Speaker Zegana, the Speaker for Zonot One in the 10th district.
The entryway to the Speaker's Chamber.
A pool of water offers entry into one of the Simic's most prominent zonots in the 10th district.
A Clade Leader oversees a growth chamber, looking for defects in the research.
A merfolk project leader masters an attunement to water after her research proves successful.
A technician and researcher finalize inspections on their lastest human testing project.


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