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Trostani is the current guildmaster of the Selesnya Conclave.  


Trostani is a large fusion of three separate dryads, created from the first mushroom present in Ravnica, known now as the Vitu-Ghazi. These dryads, upon fusing, still maintian three iconic female shapes, but the lower halves of each dryad are interconnected roots of mycelium that run deep throughout the land of Ravnica. All three dryads fused to form Trostani are beautiful in their own rights, each varying with hair color, height, and build.


Trostani is an understanding and empathetic being, who speaks softly but with widsom behind her words. When speaking, Trostani speaks in unison, making her voice sound harmonius when speaking, as if speaking in song. She is a very gentle creature whose every move is deliberate and calculated, but flowing and natural at the same time. While in her presence, members of the Selesnya Guild have reported smelling the scents of their childhood, even coming to taste their favorite meals in their mouths as they speak to the Voice.   There is only one recorded instance of Trostani exhibiting aggressive behavior. During a rite ceremony for one of the deceased Voda, a rot began to spread throughout the Conclave due to the accidental release of a unique synthetic biomutation created by the Simic. While claiming responsibility and paying reparations, the Simic still felt the wrath of the Voice of Mat'Selesnya, with many accounts reporting 'horrific' and 'terrifying' appearances from the trio of dryads. After this instance and under new law of the Azorius, the Selesnya Conclave were granted permissions in maintaining the ecosystem of Ravnica, to which many attribute Trostani's wrathful reaction as a cause.  


Apart from seeing the Selesnya Conclave as a whole unity of nature, Trostani has often held the belief that all within the walls of Ravnica help coexist to create the unification of life underneath the surface. She maintains good relations with most leaders, and because of her position, often can meet with them regarding specific topics relating to the ecosystem at large. Her word is well respected amongst the other guild leaders, by her calm demeanor, power of food supplies, or rumors of powerful magics.  


The Underdark has always been host to a plethora of flora and fauna, and it is from these that the three dryad sisters Tro, Sta, and Ni were created. Sharing a grove in a large cavern of the Underdark, the three were nearly inseparable, and facilitated the growth of an entirely unique ecosystem in the chasm they called home. Unfortunately, the chasm was subject to the Wasting Away disease, causing the life there to age a year in one day. Unable to sustain the ecosystem, Tro, Sta, and Ni were forced to evacuate and foster a new ecosystem. It is here they stumbled upon the ancient city ruins that would later be known as Ravnica, and the Mushroom they facilitated the growth of would eventually speak to them in the form of Mat'Selesnya. After being enlightened, the trio of dryads underwent a dramatic and powerful fusion transformation, forever making the dryad Trostani.
In each of us is the strength of all of us.
— Trostani
Unknown, >5000 years
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Flawless Olive Skin