Session 1: The Search For The Missing Supplies Report

General Summary

Month 2, Day 1:
After traveling from the capital, the adventurers party arrived outside of the town of Wamor. In their search for the missing supplies, the adventures went into town to collect additional information on the situation. They arrived at the local jewelers, and received a request to return the jewelers saw that was part of the missing shipment from the capital. After being shoo'd away from the jewelers, the group went to the tavern for a meal/information gathering. During their meal, the adventurers met with the guild contact Hilda, and learned that the bandits are likely north east of the town. They seem to be running their operation out of the nearby woods. The adventurers made a plan to borrow a wagon from the stables to impersonate a trade caravan passing though. This and their overnight stay at the inn was covered by the adventurers guild. While drinking at the inn bar, the adventurers overhear a conversation between a human and halfling. Zendaya attempted to strike up a conversation when he heard they were discussing magic ore. During the discussion the party learned that there is indeed bandit activity nearby, and the mention of "the hand of dusk" in regards to the bandit groups name. Zendaya blew his ruse when he asked a question he shouldn't have, and the unknown pair left the inn.   Month 2, Day 2:
The party gathered in the morning and left the town to look for the missing caravan. Around mid day, the group reached the forest and came to the fork in the road. Per their intel, the group traveled along the north fork in search of the caravan. As the wagon neared a turn in the road, the group heard a commotion around the bend. Traveling cautiously, they rounded the bend and were met with a destroyed wagon and a human woman on the side of the road in distress.   The woman was covered in blood, and incoherently moaning and yelling in pain when the party reached her. Zyllamir healed the woman, and it seemed to calm her down. When asked if she had seen the logo of Sirothell, she said she had not. During this conversation, Wilton noticed that the destroyed wagon bared the crest of Sirothell and notched and arrow. With her ruse discovered, the woman made a mad dash into the woods, taking an arrow to her shoulder during her escape. As the woman ran, the bandit's signal whistle blared with a shrill chirp, issuing an order to the remaining ruffians.   With their lure compromised, a bandit descended from a tree nearby using some sort of rope and pulley system. The bandit issued a blunt ultimatum, your goods or your life, and was met with unsheathed and ready weapons. With his threat ignored, the bandit lunged at Bori, the closest adventurer. His assault was thwarted by a stout defense, with Bori parrying the most of the bandit's strike with the shaft of his great axe and suffered only minor injuries. This attack was followed up with the two bandits still hidden in the trees firing their bows at the party. The first shot struck Zyllamir in the thigh, causing a moderate amount of damage to the cleric. The second arrow found Wilton's shoulder, and the force of the impact was enough to knock the halfling out of the side wagon seat, slumping unconscious to the side.   Following the bandit's "surprise" attack, the adventurers sprung a trap of their own. Zendaya and Pete leapt from under the cover of the wagon, weapons at the ready. Zendaya's attack was successful, the rapier burring it's tip deep into the bandits shoulder. Pete's attempt was met with a desperate deflection of the bandits sword, briefly delaying his demise. Outnumbered and near death, the injured bandit made a mad dash for the woods, hoping the cover would allow for him to escape. Bori was ready, and as the outlaw turned his back, the dwarf's axe found his shoulder. The strike was strong enough to almost cleave the poor bandit in twain, the gash running from his right shoulder to left hip. The lifeless body of the bandit collapsed in a bloody heap beneath the adventurers feet.   Having been wounded, Zyllamir retreats to cover behind the wagon and attempts to cast Sacred Flame, but the spell doesn't hit the now visible bandits in the trees. Following this near miss, Norman found his way over to Wilton, and used his Lay on Hands to wake the Ranger from his arrow induced stupor. With the whole party preparing to confront the remaining two bandits, the bandits tried to delay and scare the party by pulling at some of the ropes and levers in the trees, causing most of the trees on that side of the road to shake as though there were additional adversaries hiding in their canopies. This did not deter the party, with Norman and Pete advancing upon the bandits positions.   Norman spotted the two bandits in the trees first, and rushed to the base of the tree that housed the right most bandit. In his rush, Norman activated the pit trap the bandits had prepared. His swift reaction the the trap allowed him to jump to the side as the covering collapsed into the spikes below.   With the remaining bandit's location revealed, Zyllamir honed in on the left-most bandit and said some prayers under his breath. His hands glowed with a mix of ever changing hues of colors, culminating with a guiding bolt of source flying into the canopy above. The bolt passed through the bandit causing him to let out a quick yelp of pain. After a brief moment, and the source energy rampaging inside the mortals body, the bandit exploded into a fine mist of viscera and source, painting the nearby canopy with his remains.   With his two compatriots slain, the remaining bandit sliced into one of the nearby ropes in the trees. The pulley system allowed him to swing safely out of the tree, and brought him to his escape path directly. Obviously fearing for his life, he hit the ground running and escaped down the prepared path deeper into the woods.   With the bandit threat neutralized, the adventurers took stock of their surroundings and looted what they could. Norman cut a path through the brush that connected the road to the escape route, leaving them ample room to approach the path in the future. The destroyed wagon was looted for supplies, and some of the gear the bandits had been using in the trees was salvaged for possible future use. Due to injuries and it being a bit later in the day, the party decided it would back track down the south fork for the evening, and would continue their pursuit the following day.   Month 2, Day 3:
The party had a successful long rest.

Rewards Granted

1 Minor healing potion
2 Days of rations
10 Silver pieces
1 Sturdy iron key
1 Fine dagger (+1 dmg)
1 Locked chest with a spell scroll warning not to open it without the key
4 Rough hand made wooden pulleys
150 ft of strong rope

Character(s) interacted with

Aerelm Tinbright
Hilda Rocrow
Jim Witio
Report Date
19 Nov 2022
Primary Location


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