Session 4: Into the Depths

General Summary

The three following events happen approximately at the same time as one another.   The Library:
  • Zendaya and Zyllamir arrive outside the Grand Library. Once inside, they were greeted by a clerk who asked for the reason for their visit. After some small talk and handing over the encrypted letter, the clerk shuffled off to grab the head librarian, as the source infused letter was much to difficult for the layperson to handle.
  • While waiting for the head librarian, the pair was hailed by a small group of hooded figures. Zendaya recognized the groups insignia, they were from the local thieves guild. The thieves seemed to mistake the adventurers to be the contact who they were set to meet at a drop point.
  • Sensing opportunity, Zendaya played along and was escorted to a secluded part of the library. He was shown the drop mark, a symbol used by the thieves guild to mark a location where intel, items, and other sensitive matters can be left to be picked up later by the guild. The head thief pulled on the book two shelves above the drop symbol, which turned out to be the lever to open a swinging bookcase door. With the drop location given to the "contact" the thieves swiftly left the library.
  • Zendaya returned to Zyllamir who was waiting with the Head Librarian Thallga. Thallga had deciphered the letter, which read "#4 is bringing the supplies to the Ettinsmoor. Find #3 in the Brebury and wait for your next assignment".
  • After paying for Thallga's services (-5g each) Zendaya showed Zyllamir how the drop mark with hidden door worked and the pair delved into the gloom. Down a short corridor they went, and were eventually faced with two doors. The door to the right was somewhat stuck shut, with the door directly in front of them being open. With his lantern illuminating the way, Zendaya carefully creaked the forward door open, only to be greeted with the clicks and hissing of near dog sized scorpions. Figuring they were outmatch with just the two of them, the pair quickly closed the door and ran to the entrance to the hallway.
  The Dyers hall:
  • Pete and Norman arrived at the Dyers hall. 
  • Leave ring and necklace to be identified
  • Head over to the smithy and play penny gambling for way too long (why did they leave for the smithy again)
  • I don't remember much about this part... oops 
  The Adventurers Guild Inn:
  • Wilton and Bori get to drinking after securing lodging for the evening (figure out costs)
  • Wilton strikes up a conversation with one of the bar patrons, who was a middle aged journeyman at the smithy named Chris. Rowdy story telling of past adventures, free flowing beer, hearty knee slaps which followed jokes and banter as the group enjoyed each others company.
  • After one of Chris' joking questions was misinterpreted by Wilton, he could not stop laughing at his newly found drinking buddies ignorance of the world. Once Chris eventually calmed, he fished out a rough looking coin from some unspeakable nether region. This was his personal trade token, which could be exchanged at the smithy for weapon or armor of the holders choice. Chris gave this token to Wilton, the two left the inn to head over to the smithy to browse what the token could be exchanged for.
  • Having downed far too much alcohol in a short period of time, Bori stumbled his was to the rented room and passed out on the bed.
  • Did Wilton order something to be made?
  After splitting up and pursuing their various tasks, the party (sans Bori) gathered at the smithy. Zendaya told the remaining members about the hidden door that lead to a dungeon, and after brief preparations, set out to explore the passage.   Brebury Catacombs:
  • Norman gets crit for 0
  • Ej Throws oil on the scorpions and burns them
  • Norman yells in Sylvan, talking shit to the scorpions, but the beasts are unintelligent and do not understand
  • Pete stomps on scorpion with his peg leg for a kill
  • Norman impales scorpion with javalin
  • 5x scorpions have been slain
  • Zendaya finds 13 ___ coins
  • Locked door is burnt by remaining oil, which triggered the acid arrow trap that was built into the locking mechanism.
  • Zyllamir gets webbed by giant spider
  • Pete is able to free Zyllamir from the web
  • Spider is slain
  • meet 3 ratmen explorers who can't read common. Tell the ratmen that the blood written on the wall says "No one told me it had 11 eyes".
  • The party attempts to engage the ratmen in combat, but they immediatly flee through the southern door in the room, with obvious clicks and whirls of a trap being activated as the door was shut.

Rewards Granted

Goblin Key
Bori Dimgrog
Pete Peteplank
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
21 May 2023
Primary Location


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