Session: 3: On the Road Again

General Summary

  • Party defeated the bandits, and head back to town.
  • Reached town by mid day and delivered the stolen supplies to Hilda Rocrow.
  • Hilda seemed to be in a panic over the heavy chest that was found, and rushed the party on their way to the capital to deliver what ever was inside the chest.
  • Nothing eventful happened the first day of travel.
  • Late in the morning the following day, the group arrives at a fork in the road with a decrepit old man reading a book at the junction.
  • The party attempted to converse with the man, but he did not seem to be in his right mind. Unable to form recognizable words with his voice, the old man scratched words into the dirt to "converse" with the party.
  • The ravings of a mad man and his book of chicken scratch and gibberish was mildly off putting for the party, but they would eventually heed his advise and take the left fork in the road.
  • As the group traveled down the path, they slowly gained elevation and came to an overlook along a small ridge. From this height, the opposing path through the woods could be picked out by following frequent gaps in the trees that moved along the contours of the land. Several plumes of smoke could be seen along the route, but the party was not interested and continued until evening.
  • Zendaya and Pete volunteered to keep watch as the party settled down for the night. In the early hours of the morning, the goblin raiding party struck.
  • Pete and Zendaya were able to alert the group to the assailants presence before a sneak attack could be carried out.
  • The raiders consisted of two hobgoblins, and three goblins. After a couple of rounds of fighting, Norman, Pete, and Zendaya were able to slay the three goblins, causing the hobgoblins to retreat into the woods due to being outnumbered. The party suffered minor wounds, but they were nothing a bit of rest wouldn't heal.
  • Now on high alert, the party continued to the capital over the next five days without anything major occurring. The trip was slightly delayed due to sickly horses pulling the cart at a less than ideal pace, but the group did eventually reach the capital in the late afternoon.
  • Upon arriving, the party was met by the guards at the gate who were waiting for their arrival. Once the groups identities were confirmed with their adventurer's guild insignia, they were whisked off to the stables near the palace to unload their previous cargo.
  • At the stables, the party was greeted by a Lieutenant of the Regent who gave them an unpleasant and off-putting feeling. With a wave of his hand, the stone spires that surrounded the chest to mask it's Source energy crumbled to dust. The Lieutenant carefully opened the chest and removed a roughly fist sized chunk of dark colored ore. Immediately following the chest being opened, the party were swarmed by laborers and staff which prevented further inquiry into the dark stone and why it was under such protections.
  • As a reward for transporting the chest, the party received the following
  • With the party's immediate task solved, they had several leads on what next to do. Pete and Norman decided to head to the dyers hall, Zendaya and Zylamir are going to ask about the mysterious letter at the church library, while Bori and Wilton head to the inn ran by the adventures guild to secure lodging.
Bori Dimgrog
Pete Peteplank
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
21 Mar 2023


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