Allumvor, That Which Is

Brutal, cruel, benevolent, undaunting, merciful. Allumvor is nature, the world incarnate, everlasting and uncaring. They are the lord of the wilds, every forest, plain, desert lies under her, and is his creation. As the first deity to ever manifest she commands great respect from other deities, and wield even greater power. Throughout the majority of the existance of the mortal races, Allumvor has been distant, never having a larger church dedicated to him, and fewer followers compared to other major deities. He was known to provide divine magic to clerics and primarily druids, yet these worshippers were mainly tasked with the protection of the order of the world, not to further an ideology or idea of good.
  After the calamity, Allumvor was the second to awaken, and has taken a vastly more active role in the lives of mortals compared to before the calamity. The calamity brought with it extraplanar and unnatural invaders and creatures. Allumvor cannot abide this, and has begun gifting mortals with gifts previously deemed profane by others.  


  As the first deity to manifest after the world creation, Allumvor is ancient beyond understanding, no one knows for how long he existed before more gods arrived. Perhaps conncted to this is that Allumvor is the only god to have some apparent knowledge of the world before it was, and who, or what, made it. All that is known is that she made the world as it exists now, to what degree is not known to mortals or gods. It could just be plants and animals, or the very continents themselves.
  In the ages before the calamity, Allumvor was not widely worshipped, as they offered nothing of note to the average person, yet worship was not non-existant. As the guardian of the natural world and the cosmological order, many sought to serve Allumvor not for personal gain, but for something to fight for. Most people in her service were druids, persons gifted the magic of the earth by Allumvor to further his will and defend what she made. Clerics of Allumvor were not unheard of, yet were rare.
  Due to the reclusiveness of both followers and god, most people didn't pay Allumvor any mind before the calamity. Her works go unnoticed, and followers unseen. This, however, would change after the godwound cleaved the world.  

Nature's Wrath

  After Allumvors return, they quickly allied with Lathander, seeing the collapse of worldy boundries as a blasphemous desecration of nature. Allumvor accepted that this was not the time for idleness, but action. Druids had been weakedned for years without their liege, but his return marked a change in power an philosophy. Allumvor bestowed upon druids his essence, which manifested itself as profane gifts in the eyes of the other divine. From massive wings to antlers, hoofs, tails and other beastly traits, the followers og that which is were empowered to fight for the natural order.
  Yet she did not stop there, the forests themselves were mobilized, and Allumvor mad themselves known. He may not have a race to lead, or followers to command, yet Allumvor was never a god based in followers. He will defend the world along the others, more fiercly than the others, for she is not simply fighting for power, she is fighting for Themselves, his body, her creation.  
She has the world to control, and they will bend it.


That which is
The lord of the wilds
Watcher over All
The First
The Unknowable Will




Antlers of Thorns  


Nature, The earth, Druids, The Material Plane  


Nature, Grave, Tempest  


Druids, Rural Villages, Farmers, Rangers, Wizards  

Channel divinity

Destructive wrath
Path to the grave
Charm animals and plants


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