Blackpowder firearms

In the heart of the feudalistic kingdom of Angellion, where knights vie for power amidst a turbulent struggle for dominance, a relentless pursuit of military prowess defines the very essence of the realm. This relentless arms race has given birth to a revolutionary technology: firearms.  

Forging Firepower

A groundbreaking innovation crafted to pierce through the formidable armor that encases rival knights. Recognizing the need for a weapon capable of bypassing traditional defenses, Angellion's military engineers embarked on a quest to harness the power of Blackpowder. The early iterations of Angellion's firearms were crude and experimental, their efficacy uncertain. Yet, with each skirmish and battlefield encounter, these weapons evolved, refined by the crucible of combat. From cumbersome hand cannons to sleeker, more wieldy arquebuses, the technology steadily progressed, driven by an insatiable hunger for supremacy.   Throughout Angellion's rugged terrain, dormant volcanoes harbor a valuable resource: sulfur. This sulfur-rich environment played a crucial role in the kingdom's firearms development, supplying ample raw material for gunpowder production. With abundant sulfur at their disposal, Angellion's engineers accelerated the advancement of firearms technology. These volcanic regions also served as strategic strongholds, providing the ruling classes with a tactical advantage in their ongoing power struggles, and more sources of war and conflict with Knights vying over control.  

Protecting the Elites

The distribution of these firearms remained a closely guarded secret of the ruling elite. In a society where power is concentrated in the hands of a select few, the proliferation of such potent weaponry among the lower classes was deemed a threat to the established order. Thus, while the ruling aristocracy indulged in the fruits of technological progress, the masses were denied access to these powerful instruments of war.   The development of firearms in Angellion serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of a kingdom consumed by the flames of feudal strife. In the crucible of conflict, innovation thrives, as each new weapon forged serves as a testament to the relentless pursuit of power and dominance. Yet, amidst the clamor of battle, one truth remains immutable: in the kingdom of Angellion, the quest for supremacy knows no bounds.  

Firearms in Use

Throughout the years of firearms use in Angellion, the nations knights have developed severel models, all with unique puposes. There are innumerable different models although all of them fit under 4 major categories, all named after the first model produced in that line.  

Kildaran Arquebus:

Hailing from the region of Kildare, the Kildaran Arquebus is a groundbreaking weapon designed to pierce through enemy armor. Massive and extremely powerful, it is widely employed by knights across Angellion, due to being powerful enough to punch through severel inches of armor in a single shot. Although this is balanced by it's unwieldly nature. It serves as a staple in many knightly arsenals.  

Lillian Flintlock:

Named after the esteemed city of Lillian, the Lillian Flintlock is a single shot, handheld pistol that represents a reliable and cost-effective option for knights on the battlefield. Widely used due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it remains the most prevalent firearm among Angellion's knightly ranks. Due to their widespread use, many knights make their own modifications to these pistols making nearly every weapon owned by knights unique. Additionally. since so many of these pistols have been produced, it is the only firearm that is fathomable for a non Angellion knight to acquire.

Cassaran Pepperbox:

Originating from the city of Cassara, the Cassaran Pepperbox is a small hand held multi barrel pistol, favored by aggressive knights for its rapid-fire capabilities in close-quarters combat. Though used sparingly due to its specialized nature and lacking range, it offers a tactical edge to those who prefer a more aggressive approach on the battlefield.  

Lothinian Rifle:

Emerging from the region of Lothian, the Lothinian Rifle stands as the pinnacle of Angellion's firearms technology. Light, poerful and renowned for its firepower and unparalleled accuracy, it is the most sought-after and expensive firearm among Angellion's knights. Reserved for the absolute elite, even those with the means to acquire such a prestigious weapon, are not allowed to purchase it. Currently only 3 of these have ever been produced, with only 2 currently in use.
  • An Angellian knight with a Kildarian Arquebus.

  • Angellian Knight Sarah Windsworth with her Lillian Flintlock

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