Bright Elves

The Bright Elves are an Elven people, who after the first elven migration to the material plane, fell in love with the stars. These Elves slowly drifted away from their creator deity, and goddess of the moon, Menelwen.
  Elves as a people are subject to their own feelings and surroundings, they physically change appearance, a gift from their mother due to her moons phases. This meant that as the Bright Elves turning to the stars, their appearances changed. Opalescent hair, shimmering skin and astral eyes, the Bright elves came to look very distinct from their brethen. Yet it was not simply their appearance that changed, they turned away from the moon, and thus the moon turned away from them.  

A Godless People

  Though Menelwen did not mean for it to happen, nor did she desire it, the Bright Elves became detached from her. They lost their connection to the moon, and the Bright Elves felt betrayed. No matter how much the other elves attempted to convince them otherwise, the bright elves had lost something very dear with their departure from the moon.
  This led them to become a godless people, sharing this unique trait only with humanity, yet the bright elves were still made by Menelwen, and thus they lacked a part of themselves. This caused them to seek out new divinity, one among the stars. They did not find any, so they made it themselves. This careless act caused the godwound, and left the world fragile, being invaded by shadow and fey, with the gods nowhere to be found.  

Ever Bright

  Their new connection with the stars, changed not only their appearance, but their very culture. Where as most elven culture reveres change, and seeks to find a way through the unknown, the Bright Elves thought different. The stars were steady, there were no phases of the moon to be seen, and thus the Bright Elves became a society focused on preservation. They built great cities, artworks and sciences to stand the test of time.
  Elven society has a focus on exploration in youth, with many elves being nomadic for their first hundreds of years, before settling down in a city somewhere in Talsya, or in one of the few Elven cities. Some even returned to their grander cities in the Feywild. The Bright Elves instead created a single kingdom, their pride and joy, Cirithil. A kingdom that truly embodies the Bright Elves
In modern times Cirithil has become a refuge for the unpopular Bright Elves, and their ideas of weathering the storm and standing strong have defended Cirithil since the Calamity.

Bright Elf Features

  Ability Scores
Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your dexterity score by 1.   Age
500-600 years old   Size
You are a medium size, most bright elves are 180-210 cm   Starlit Hair
Your hair shimmers with opalescent sparkles, resembling the glimmer of stars.   You have proficiency in Charisma (Persuasion) checks when interacting with friendly or neutral humanoids, you also emit dim light in a 5 ft. radius.   Celestial Insight
You have proficiency in the Arcana skill.   Bright Elven Weapon Training
You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.   Languages
You can speak, read, and write Common, Celestial and Elvish


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