Creator Deities

The creator Deities are the gods who created a race. These gods are revered by each race as their patron deity and protector. These deities are not simply the gods of their respective race, but primarily a god of a different domain, who created a race in their image. The race usually embody the domains, personality and atttude of their god, while being made in their physical image.  

The Mortal Races

Of the mortal races, only one was created without a god, this being humans, although some speculate that humans were created by the creator of the universe, as their souls go somewhere unknown after death. Every other race on the material plane was created by a deity, the first were the dwarves.
  Created by ___ after realising a mortal race worshipping you empowers gods nearly as much as their domain itself does. __ created the dwarves in his image to ensure the dwarves stuck to his domains and would nearly always worship him.
  The other races came after, Elves, Kender, Tieflings, Halflings, Orcs and more. The first races were made to venerate their deities, yet mortals proved more unruly than expected, thus the later races were further tied to their deities, like the Elves who physically embody their Goddess Menelwen, yet some Elves, due to them being created in the feywild their physical bodies could change, and the Bright Elves managed to break off from their mother.  

The Creator Gods


  The goddess of the moon, dreams and guidance. Menelwen was the mother of the Elves, having created them in the feywild from pure moonlight. The Elves embodied their mother more than any other race, changing their appearance along with the phases of the moon in their youth, eventually landing on one of Menelwens many faces as their personality   Some of the Elves migrated into the material plane after finding the feygates, where the Elves became the Moon elves, the original elves. The wood elves, elves that became in touch with the nature of the material plane. And the bright elves, elves who worshipped the stars and drifted away from Menelwen.


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