
The children of the moon, hailing from the feywild, migrated from their original home to the material plane millenia ago. Slender and graceful, the Elves embody the traits of their creator deity, Menelwen. In addition to their physique, the elves go through phases like the moon, these being the full, crescent and new moon.
  Young Elves move with the moon, their personalities and identities not formed yet, as they age they go through phases slower and slower until they stay in one phase by the time most Elves are 100 years old. It is possible to change a phase after this, often as a reaction to a major life event. Many elves marry their own phase, and children adopt their parents phase, although this is not a guarantee.
Each phase changes the appearance of the Elves, with each phase being colloquially known as High, Pallid and Night elves.  

Creation and History

The first elves were weaved by Menelwen in the feywild, why she created the Elves in the feywild was at this time unknown. The elves lived in the Feywild for centuries, establishing themselves with cities and fey courts. Eventually some elves discovered feygates, passages to the material plane. A large amount of elves, after expeditions into the material plane, decided to migrate there. As Menelwen exists in all planes along with the moon, the Elves felt at home in the material plane, even though it was very different than the feywild.
  The elven presence in the material plane is mostly concentrated around feygates, with Elves moving to and from the feywild, as such many Elven kingdoms were built around these gates. The kingdoms were mostly isolationist, but some elves decided to inhabit the cities of the other races. The Elves established themselves as a major race in the material plane, being found across the world.


Elven culture is heavily affected by both the feywild, the moon and their long lifespans. Elven society is centered around the concept of personal improvement for the community, this includes self discovery, a core tenent of Elven culture, as their very appearance is affected by this.
Elven kingdoms were built slowly and meticulously, as their long lifespans allow them to focus on arts long before they have children. Elven society is also built around the moons phases, and more importantly their own embodiment of them.
Young elves are encouraged to explore every facet of life, a traditional ritual takes place when an Elf is 90, where they go on a journey of self discovery. Each elf is a specialist, starting to hone their skills after this coming of age ritual, this leads to elven society being extremely cooperative.
The phases of the elves are somewhat accounted for when it comes to their society, where many elves in a specific phase tend to take of the same jobs. This is more of an effect of their phases being a manifestation of their personailty, rather than a caste system.
  However not all elves follow this culture, over time some elves drifted away from their original culture, the two largest groups being the Wood elves, also known as the wild elves. And more importantly, the Bright elves.  

The Phases

High Elves

Much akin to humans in appearance but with a touch of ethereal elegance, High Elves exhibit a range of fair to tan skin tones and a kaleidoscope of hair colors that seem to capture the essence of light itself. Their eyes, reflecting the gentle glow of the moons light, shimmer with hues of azure, emerald, and amethyst, captivating all who meet their gaze.
Renowned for their affability and charm, they effortlessly navigate the complexities of diverse societies, serving as natural leaders and diplomats. With a profound love for the expressive arts, High Elves infuse their culture with the vibrancy of acting, painting, and poetry, each stroke of their creativity a testament to their passion and ingenuity.
  Revered for their wisdom and deep connection to magic, they assume roles as scholars and advisors, guiding their kin towards enlightenment and prosperity with unparalleled insight and knowledge.  

Pallid Elves

Bearing an otherworldly beauty akin to moonlight itself, possess skin as pale as the soft glow of the crescent moon and hair ranging from the purest white to the darkest black. Their eyes, shining in hues of teal and lavender, hold the secrets of the night, drawing others into their serene and introspective world.
Though often reserved, they form deep connections within elven communities, their presence enriching society with the emotive power of painting, singing, and poetry.
  With patience and empathy, they offer guidance and support, navigating life's challenges with grace and understanding, ensuring the preservation of elven heritage and traditions for generations to come.  

Night Elves

Night Elves, cloaked in the mysteries of twilight, boast skin tinged with hues of deep purples and blues, their hair ranging from the softest silver to the darkest ebony. Their eyes, burning with the intensity of smoldering embers, betray a fierce determination and strength of will.
Celebrated as master artisans and architects, they shape the very fabric of elven settlements with their skill and ingenuity, each structure a testament to their unwavering dedication to their craft. Forming tight-knit communities, they embody the essence of resilience and camaraderie, their presence a comforting beacon in the darkness.
  With fluid movements and keen intuition, Night Elves honor the traditions of their ancestors, standing as guardians of elven culture and heritage against the passage of time and the encroaching shadows of the world.
A Night Elven Warrior

Ability Scores
Your Dexterity score increases by 2   Age
700-800 years old   Size
You are a medium size, most elves are 180-210 cm   Ability score increases
  High elf:
Your intelligence score increases by 1
  Pallid elf:
Your Wisdom score increases by 1
  Night elf:
Your Constitution score increases by 1
  Phases of the moon
Each phase posseses unique abilities   High elf:
You gain an additional cantrip from the wizard spell list   Pallid elf:
You know the light cantrip, at 3rd level you can cast the sleep spell once per long rest, at 5th level you can cast the invisibility spell on yourself once per long rest. Neither spell requires material compenents   Night elf:
As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.   Elven Weapon Training
You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.   Languages
You can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan and Elvish


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