Enter the World of Talsya

Welcome to Talsya, it is the year 1456 ADC and the world is plagued by extraplanar threats, war and chaos. The gods have returned, banished from the world by the divine cataclysm, and for a decade have gathered mortal worshippers and champions alike to reclaim the world for the pantheon, yet the gods are not what they once were, their power and influence limited by the worlds fragile state, like a haze between the gods and Talsya. They desire their proper return, with the heart of the cataclysm, the godwound, believe by many to being the key for their return.   Although kingdoms have rebuilt, and new nations arose, the world is not what it once was. Before the cataclysm and the dissapearance of the gods, Talsya was stable, not peaceful or without conflict, but the world itself was stable. In recent times, the borders between the planes have begun breaking. The worlds are colliding and creatures of fey and shadow have invaded Talsya, the ancient spirits of the lands have awoken and the mortal realms stand at the precipice.   If an invasion of other planes wasn't enough, war is looming on the horizon. The peace between nations and clans are crumbling and the tension in Talsya is rising, rapidly. The gods are a unifying force, yet the old conflicts of the pantheon are yet again rising.   One misstep could send everything into chaos once more, this time perhaps irreversible.

The Theme of Talsya

War and Peace
War is a central theme in Talsya along with peace. Currently, most parts of Talsya have a state of peace, though multiple regions are on the brink of war.   Overcoming the Odds
The world is dark and grim, but where there's a will there's a way. The odds are against everyone and survival is not easy. However, hope is not lost. One person can change the world in a meaningful way, however, few manage to do it.   The Faults of Divinity
Gods have had their control of the world wrestled from them. Yet their return is possible, the gods have awoken from their banishment, and once more seek to reign. The gods have however proven themselves not to be what they once claimed.
 Profane powers and gifts from the divine have sent mortal hearts rearing, are the gods truly our only option?


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