
Gladohas, a bustling city of trade and industry in Cirithil, stands at a fork in the [WIP] river. Nestled between the Starshard Mountains and the fertile lands of southern Cirithil, the city's strategic location has made it the second-largest urban center in the kingdom. Unlike the high elven city of Idrahil or the opulent capital of Silverlight, Gladohas is a vibrant tapestry of middle and lower-class communities. As a central trade hub, the city thrives on the exchange of raw resources from mining operations and bountiful harvests from the fertile lands it connects to. The river fork allows seamless transportation of goods to the nearby cities of Idrahil, Silverlight, and Starshard, securing Gladohas's position as a vital cog in the kingdom's economic machinery.   The heart of Gladohas beats with the rhythm of commerce, driven by powerful trade guilds that oversee the flow of goods and maintain a tight grip on the city's trade routes. As a result, distinct borders emerge, dividing the rich and the poor. The affluent merchants and guild leaders reside in grand, permanent residences, while the poorer traders and laborers may only dwell within the city during their trade ventures.   Despite the disparities, Gladohas boasts a large permanent population that forms the backbone of the city's functions. Artisans, craftsmen, and traders from various walks of life call this vibrant city home, contributing to its colorful tapestry and diverse culture.   The streets of Gladohas are a whirlwind of activity, with bustling markets, skilled artisans showcasing their wares, and vibrant street performances filling the air with energy and excitement. The city's layout reflects its thriving nature, with warehouses, workshops, and bustling markets lining the riverbanks.
Large city


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