

  Idrahil, the venerable capital of Cirithil, traces its origins to a distant epoch when the bright elves chose to forge their own destiny, parting ways with their high elven kin. Established against the breathtaking backdrop of the Starshard Peaks, the city's layout emerged over ages, blending the grace of traditional high elven architecture with evolving styles that mirrored the kingdom's growth. As the bright elves ventured into unique paths of innovation, newer sections of Idrahil took shape, inspired by the vibrancy of Silverlight. Over time, it evolved into the royal and cultural heart of Cirithil, home to influential guilds spanning diverse disciplines. While its architectural grandeur tells a tale of craftsmanship and aesthetics, Idrahil's enigmatic allure remains intact, known solely to the bright elves, fueling the curiosity of outsiders and turning the city into a legend. An embodiment of bright elvish heritage, Idrahil stands unwavering—a testament to their reverence for their roots, creativity, and arcane wisdom.  

Points of Interest

Royal Estate and Brightroar Castle:

  Perched gracefully upon a gentle rise, the Royal Estate is crowned by the illustrious Brightroar Castle, an emblem of regal lineage and enduring splendor. This iconic complex serves as the cherished winter abode of Cirithil's royal family, invoking a timeless connection to the annals of history. Brightroar Castle's elegant spires reach skyward, as if aspiring to touch the very stars that shine over the Starshard Peaks. The castle's hallowed halls are adorned with tapestries that depict the saga of the bright elves, woven through eras of triumph and transformation. Amidst the snowy embrace of winter, the estate exudes a dignified tranquility, embodying the heart of Cirithil's legacy.  

Everbright Square:

  Central to Idrahil's bustling life is Everbright Square, a dynamic crossroads where the heartbeat of commerce, culture, and camaraderie converges. The square's periphery boasts a grandeur of architecture, accommodating the distinguished headquarters of Cirithil's esteemed guilds. Alongside, venerable banks stand as bastions of economic stability. Within the square's heart, meticulously tended gardens flourish, an homage to the bright elves' profound connection with nature. Here, the voices of merchants, artisans, and scholars intertwine, painting a vivid tableau that embodies the aspirations of Cirithil.  

Tall Edge Inn and Tavern:

  Nestled within the city's vibrant core, the renowned Tall Edge Inn and Tavern stands as a cherished sanctuary, welcoming residents and wanderers alike. Its façade, etched with the passage of time, speaks of the countless stories that have found refuge within its walls. An epicenter of conviviality, the inn envelopes patrons in the warm embrace of hearth and camaraderie. Within, the air is alive with tantalizing scents and the symphony of laughter and discourse. Yet, what truly distinguishes the Tall Edge is its hallowed stage, where enthralling plays and soul-stirring musical performances unfold. This tradition, woven into the inn's very essence, resonates with the spirit of the city itself.
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Cover image: by Aobo Wang


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