
The first children of malory, Kender are diminutive Humanoids who look like short humans with pointed ears and diverse appearances. Kender have a supernatural curiosity that drives them to adventure. Due to this inquisitiveness, many kender sometimes amass impressive collections of curiosities. Some might collect mundane knickknacks or relics from magical sites, while others might become professional thieves.
  They inherited this unquenchable curiosity from their creator god, and are unlike other mortal races Kender rarely settle down, becoming restless staying in one palce too long. This leads many Kender to becoming adventurers, wandering traders and other professions on the road. Although some kender settle down in their twilight years.

Malory's Curiosity

The Kender are one of the Malorien Peoples, races created by the creator deity Malory. Each of these races were created with one of Malory's traits, the Kender inherited her curiosity.
Like many other Malorien peoples, the Kenders understanding of Malory was slowly corrupted. Although their misunderstandings around their mother is not as twisted as their brethen. However, they still created their own practises and beliefs around their creator, many Kender worship Malory as the god of the Malorien peoples and knowledge. This is the closest any race is to Malorys true domain.
  Some kender believed that in the afterlife evil beings were damned to be bored for eternity. Unlike many other intelligent species, kender did not fear death and considered it the start of a new, grand adventure. Generally, they respected and recognized all deities to avoid hurting the gods' feelings.  


The Kender are a race infatuated with things, many kender have collections of random objects ranging from rocks they find cool, to coins from nations acrossthe world. The vast majority of Kender live in familial units wandering the world, with most being rougly 4-7 Kender, although there do exist Kander Caravans, be they circusses, merchants or performance troupes. Many families own wagons that functioned as their homes and vehicles. These wagons are called Paks, and are all unique, decorated by their owners with trinkets from across the world.
  When some Kender decide to settle, Paks are retrofitted into houses, wheels are removed and the Pak becomes stationary. In Kender villages, some families may have houses constructed from the Paks of multiple generations.
  Kender also exhibit emotions to an extreme degree, when they laughed or cried, it appeared as if they experienced the most powerful emotions. Friends were precious to most kender, including members of other races. They took close to heart friends' pain, death, or suffering, or any strife that befell innocents. Kender's extreme and deep emotions often threw them into deepest depressions and emotional turmoil when they witnessed suffering, sometimes lasting up to several months
  Kender clothing varied greatly, but in general, one would more likely see colorfully garmented kender than not. A particular favorite was dyed and softened leather, decorated with patterns and designs. Kender outfits always had numerous pockets and pouches, filled to the brim with a wide selection of miscellany. It could include bird feathers, creature teeth, materials, tinker toys, strings, rings, chains, handkerchiefs, various small tools, curious pebbles, and twigs, exotic coins, jerky, or even a small pet animal.  

Kender after the Calamity

The Godwound caused the fall of several kingdoms and civilization, with ruins and more importantly, stuff left behind. This has caused an upspike in Kender adventurers, archeologists and looters. The promise of long lost items are infinitely tempting for Kender, and since they had no major settlements outside small villages spread across the continents, they were fast to act too.
Ability Scores
Your Dexterity, Wisdom and Intelligence scores increase by 1   Age
70-90 years old   Size
You are small, most Kender are 100-140 cm   Fearless
You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself. Once per long rest, when you fail a saving throw to avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself, you can choose to succeed instead.   Taunt
You have an extraordinary ability to fluster creatures. As a bonus action, you can unleash a string of provoking words at a creature within 60 feet of yourself that can hear and understand you. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or it has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you until the start of your next turn. The DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (choose when you select this race). You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   Kender Aptitude
You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: Insight, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival.   Languages
You can speak, read, and write Common and Kender


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