Lathander, the Lord of Light

The Morninglord, bringer of light and a new dawn. Lathander has in recent times become one of the most revered gods due to his direct involvement and intervention regarding the broken world. He sends forth his angels, the Swords of Dawn, to force back the darkness, and bring the light of the divine back to all of Talsya.   Before the godwound and the calamity that followed, Lathander was no more than a god worshipped for new beginnings, and a beacon of hope, he now leads the divine host trying to reclaim Talsya. As such he has come to boast war as one of his domains, the morninglord has sought to bring a new dawn over Talsya, by any means necesarry. While he himself and many of his followers sees his cause as a noble pursuit, there are those who doubt if the Gods, so desparately trying to hold onto their power, and using such drastic means to regain it, are worth following.


Lathander was one of the first Gods who came to be, although not a creator god himself, many mortals quickly came to revere him due to his wide appeal and neutrality in the cosmic order. As such he was also widely liked amongst other gods.   Before the world was shattered, and when the gods held sole dominion over the earth, Lathander was the god of new beginnings, hope and mornings. He was woshipped by most, though not devoutly. People would follow him when a new beginning arose, like the birth of a child or a newly consumated marriage. He did however have many monasteries spread across the world, where many lost souls sought guidance.   After the Godwound Lathander, as the lord of hope and new beginnings, was the first God to rise from the ashes. He saw the devastation that had shattered the order the gods had spent so long establishing, and decided a course of action that would define the next age. He took up the mantle as the Lord of Light, and sought to return the world to the way it was. He may be the lord of new beginnings, yet this state of the world was too much for even him, a world devoid of gods is a world in turmoil.

Lathander, Lord of Light

As the Lord of Light Lathander is working to bring Talsya under the gods once more, as a cause of this, he has taken up war as another domain of his. As the first God to return to the world after the godwound, he was accepted as the leader of the divine host to reclaim the world. Even Lathanders old enemies agreed that a world under gods is a desirable outcome, and their bickering can wait.

The quest to return the world to the Gods is supported by the vast majority of Mortals, Lathander has gathered massive worship, predominantly manisfesting itself under the church of the Golden Rose.
To further inspire hope and the gods campaign, Lathander sent his emissaries to the world. These seven would be known as the Swords of Dawn, seven warriors cloaked in white, each wielding a blade as bright as the morning sun.

He is resplendent, and the Sun burns bright once more



The Morninglord
Lord of Light
He who returned
Lord of the divine
Bringer of the Dawn
The Black Star (Derogatory)


Lawful good  


Road traveling into a sunrise  


Dawn, renewal, light, hope, war  


Life, Light, war  


Divine Loyalists, adventureres, the young, impoverished  

Channel divinity

Preserve life
Radiance of the dawn
Guided strike
War gods blessing

This article has no secrets.


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