Malory, Glorious Queen

Currently a Lost God, Malory is the lady of boundless curiosity and creation. She seeks to better the world by building it up. As part of this philosophy, Malory is the greatest Creator deity, having brought life to the Dwarves, embodying her gift of craftmanship, the Kender, her curiosity and the Gnomes, her ingenuity. All her creations were based on her fascination of humanity. This fascination led to humans accepting Malory as their patron deity.
  However her greatest achievement also became her greatest downfall. Malory isn't known for her kindness, intelligence and creativity, she is known for her millenia long torture. Her many created races, and humanity started spreading and splitting into factions. All these factions claimed Malories favor, each faction clawing at Malory. Through these conflicts she was forced onto a glorified pedestal. They crowned her sundered divinity, called her queen, placing an unwanted crow upon her head and a scepter in hand.  

Creativity, love and abuse

  Malory was not always a god warred over by her children. Before any other races than humans even existed, Malory was there, for she was creativity and creation incarnate, and she fell in love with humanity. Their art and architecture earned them unwavering attention from Malory.
She later decided that humanity was too limited by their own nature, and more races with unique differences were needed to satisfy her lust for creation. She thus created the Dwarves, Kender and Gnomes, all races either curious about the world or obsessed with craftmanship.
  This would be her biggest mistake. For over the years as populations grew, ideologies were born and kingdoms arose, Malories creations spread across the world and established vastly different societies, initially Malory relished in this. Diverse art and architecture overjoyed the goddess. However her status as the creator of so many races and the patron of humanity, the wars among mortals lead to them battling over who had Malories favor.
Malory would not bestow any favor upon them, for she did not discriminate. Yet wars and disagreements continued, and Malories heart was ripped apart. She was chained by the expectations of her creations, ripped in every direction possible.
  Her status as the races creator was not ignored by them however, it was elevated. Malory was no longer simply their creator and patron of arts, she was the ultimate authority, a queen. It was said that the first war over hear royalty between her creations led her to shed a tear of red gold, and she has not stopped crying since. A god once full of hope, reduced by mortals to an ideological tool.

The Glorious Queen

  As time went on, her original nature was forgotten, and her state of suffering was deemed a willing sacrifice by the peoples of Talsya, she had the title of Glorious Queen bestowed upon her. A title she resented, yet she was too deep in sorrow and misery of her children using her to destory each other to truly act.
  She still bestowed power upon clerics and the like, yet it was passive, with no real autonomy on her part, simply a duty to be fulfilled. Although some clerics who truly worshipped her, not the idea, peaked her interest. These clerics were not exactly more powerful, yet they were much further in touch with their deity.
  Throughout all the pain Malory has endured, her true nature shines bright to those who seek it. For she is still the goddess of creation, and still revered by some as her true self. Her temples of creation, though few and fat between, stand as beacons of hope for those who remember her original essence. In these sacred spaces, artisans and dreamers come together, keeping her flame of creativity alive, even amidst the chaos, many of these temples function as guilds of blacksmiths, seamtresses and other artisinal professions.
  In the wake of the god wound, Malory is yet to return. Her woshippers still hold out hope that their queen will return to empower the kingdoms of Talsya, and inspire masterworks once more. Some of the clerics of creation, having realised that their glass princess, something so beautiful yet so delicated, was destoyed, and have come to dread a very real possibility:
She is cut off, left alone. Malory does not want to return.


The Glorious Queen
The Glass Princess
Mother of Many
Sundered Creator
Lady of Life






Creativity, Civilization, Mortal races  


Forge, Knowledge  


Dwarves, Halflings, Kender, City-dwellers  

Channel divinity

Artisan's blessing
Knowledge of the ages
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