
A newcomer to the material plane, having their home in the feywild ripped into the material plane forming the Elkenbridge Islands following the godwound. The Ninarin are a people infatuated with
Ninarin Traits Ability Score Increase Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your dexterity score increases by 1. Age The Ninarin, who mature around the same time as humans, have an extended lifespan reaching up to 200 years at most. Size Ninarin range from under 4 to 5 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium. Speed Your speed is 30 ft. Fey Your creature type is fey, rather than humanoid. Curiosity's Insight Ninarin possess an insatiable curiosity that leads them to explore and uncover the secrets of the world around them. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to discover hidden details, decipher puzzles, or uncover obscure information. Additionally, when you make a Wisdom (Perception) check to notice details in your environment, you can add your proficiency bonus twice if you are not already proficient in Perception. This reflects your innate ability to keenly observe and uncover the mysteries that pique your curiosity. Fey Affinity Born of the Feywild's magical essence, Ninarin have an innate connection to the mystical forces that shape both their realm and the material world. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed. Unwavering Inquisitiveness
When confronted with a situation that would normally cause fear or charm, you can choose to become enthralled by your curiosity instead. While enthralled, you are immune to the frightened adn charmed condition, but you also cannot take reactions and your movement is reduced by half as you become absorbed in studying or investigating the source of your curiosity. At the end of your turn, you can make a Wisdom saving throw to break free from your fascination. This ability exemplifies your relentless pursuit of knowledge, sometimes even at the cost of immediate safety.


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