

  Silverlight, the resplendent capital of Cirithil, is a tribute to the fortitude of the bright elves. Initially chosen for its strategic position along the winding river that linked it to other cities of the realm, the city thrived as a vital trade hub. This connection facilitated the exchange of goods and knowledge, rendering Silverlight an essential node in Cirithil's economic and cultural network.   However, the Godwound's cataclysmic arrival shattered this once-thriving trade route and reshaped the landscape into a maze of plateaus and canyons. Silverlight, severely affected by the destructive power, emerged as a testament to the bright elves' determination. Despite the city never reclaiming its former size, it became a haven of resilience, its celestial architecture bearing the scars of adversity.   Strategically positioned once more, now atop the plateaus created by the Godwound's upheaval, Silverlight gained a newfound defensibility that allowed it to serve as the realm's new capital. Remarkably, the river that once graced the city's outskirts now winds through the bottom of the Godwound, still enabling trade and reinforcing Silverlight's position as a hub of commerce and exchange. The river's course altered, but its importance endured, a symbol of the bright elves' ability to adapt, rebuild, and persevere.

Points of Interest

The Royal Plateau

  Nestled as the largest and most opulent plateau in Silverlight, the Royal Plateau symbolizes both grandeur and affluence. Home to the city's wealthiest inhabitants, its spacious avenues are adorned with intricate mosaics and silver filigree. At its heart rises the awe-inspiring Elazeir Palace, a marvel of celestial architecture.  

Elazeir PalaceĀ 

  This majestic palace, gracing the Royal Plateau, is a masterpiece of design and elegance. The palace serves as the residence of the revered royal family and the Silver Council, where pivotal decisions shaping the destiny of Cirithil are made. With its graceful spires that seem to touch the heavens, Elazeir Palace is a tangible embodiment of the bright elves' sovereign might and cosmic connection.  

Great Bridges

  A sight to behold, the Great Bridges span the chasms that separate the plateaus of Silverlight. More than just practical pathways, these colossal structures are artistic marvels themselves. Constructed with meticulous attention to detail, they are adorned with celestial motifs that pay homage to the bright elves' deep cosmic heritage. The bridges serve not only as vital links but also as stunning works of art that unite the city's fractured landscape.  

Starshard Embassy

  The Starshard Embassy is a sanctuary of magical wisdom and arcane knowledge within Silverlight. As a division of the magical college Starshards, this institution serves as a focal point for scholars, mages, and seekers of esoteric lore. Its spires rise high, echoing the city's celestial architecture, and its libraries house tomes filled with mystical insights. The embassy is a haven where the arcane arts are cultivated, taught, and respected.  

Grand Staircase

  The Grand Staircase is a monumental passage that cascades from the highest plateau, connecting it to the depths of the Godwound below. This awe-inspiring staircase is a fusion of artistic beauty and practicality, reflecting the bright elves' commitment to both form and function. It serves as a link between the upper reaches of Silverlight and the Lower City, a bustling district focused on the management of incoming river trade.
Inhabitant Denonym
Located Under
Characters in Location
Elazeir House
Related Historical Events
The Godwound


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