Tinúnaneth, Lady of the Stars

A god born from destruction and the desperation of a lost people, Tinúnaneth is unlike other deities. She is not an ancient being but the arcane power of the stars channeled into a being through the sorrows of an entire race. As a newer deity, she is unstable, and some returned deities have completely rejected her existence. Valorien is among those who have vowed to eliminate Tinúnaneth. Although she is a god, she is shackled. Her creation broke the seals of the world, and her continued existence is the cause of the world's unstable state; her very being keeps the seals open.  

Lady of the Stars

  Tinúnaneth was created by the Bright Elves. Feeling abandoned by their creator deity Menelwen, the Bright Elves sought solace in the stars instead of the moon. Throughout the years, the Bright Elves began to seek out a deity of the stars, but learned that no such deity existed. Yet the stars were not powerless. While there may not have been a god of the stars, the stars themselves were arcane conduits to outer realms, many of these realms being those of deities. Each constellation channeled magic from gods to the material plane. The Bright Elves venerated the stars, using the magic of the cosmos for their own machinations. However, this was not enough for them. They desired a goddess.
  After years of research, a god was born and a world fractured. The arcane power from the stars was consolidated in Tinúnaneth, and her very existence cut off the other gods. The stars were no longer simply conduits; they were extensions of a goddess. Her creation caused the godwound, a catastrophic event that shattered the earth.
  While the gods were initially cut off, once they awakened, they realized what had happened and came to a crushing realization: a goddess of the stars had the potential to lord over the pantheon.
  Only a few realized this— but an overgod was born.

Maiden of Sorrow

  Tinúnaneth is more than just the goddess of the stars. She was born from the loneliness and feelings of abandonment that lingered in the Bright Elves. The stars forged her power, but the Elves forged her heart. Tinúnaneth is a greatly empathetic deity, one that truly loves.
  This is best shown through her ongoing struggle for her children, the Bright Elves. Even in her shackled state, Tinúnaneth extended her power to clerics. Although rare, clerics of Tinúnaneth were for centuries the only clerics on Talsya due to the godwound. The Bright Elves kept them hidden, knowing if the world discovered their created god was real and present, other races would come for them.
  Yet Tinúnaneth was not just a creator deity. While she loved the Bright Elves more than anything, she extended her grace beyond the borders of Cirithil. Members of other races in deep mourning, grief, or sorrow found solace in something they did not truly understand. It was only when the other gods returned that the existence and nature of Tinúnaneth was revealed to the rest of Talsya. However, the intended effect of this revelation was to turn the mortal races against Tinúnaneth. Despite this, she had extended to them more love than the other gods had ever shown, and populations across Talsya have accepted the Maiden of Sorrow as a valid member of the pantheon, to the dismay of some.    

Weaver of Twilight

Tinúnaneth’s presence profoundly impacts Talsya, particularly through magic and culture. With the stars being an independent power, instead of conduits, it has become possible to draw power from constellations, channeling celestial energy to heal, protect, and transform, these practitioners organize themselves into druidic like circles called cricles of the stars. So far these are only existant in Cirithil.
  Additionally in Cirithil, regions near the godwound, known as Twilight Zones, exist in perpetual twilight where the boundary between the material plane and celestial realms is thin, offering immense magical power but also unpredictable dangers, the city of Silverlight is one of these Twilight zones, situated on top of the Godwound itself.
  Tinúnaneth inspires hope among the Bright Elves, with festivals celebrating the stars and her imagery prevalent in art and architecture, reflecting her growing influence in everyday life. Her influence also extends beyond the societies of the Bright Elves, many regular elves have come to recognize her to some degree. As Tinúnaneth was created through the Bright Elves who still carry Menelwens moonlight, as their mother, Tinúnaneth is the sister to Menelwen. The two deities share many domains and among some Bright Elves along with Elves close to Cirithil, have started seeing the two as halves of a whole, the moon and stars, night itself.
  There are many who still reject this new god, and her future is uncertain. Will she be struck down, ascend to overgodhood or join the pantheon? Only time will tell.  
Sealed away and bound by her own power, she is the fate of the very universe 


Lady of the Stars
Maiden of Sorrow
Sister to the Moon
Shackled Lady


Neutral Good  


Shining star with crescent moon  


The Stars, Bright Elves, Sorrow, Solace  


Twilight, Peace, Life  


Bright Elves, People in Grief, The Lonely  

Channel divinity

Preserve life
Twilight sanctuary
Balm of peace


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