Valorien, the Unbending Arbiter

Lord of Absolute Justice, Valorien is a god dedicated to one thing and one thing only, order. He is in charge of the cosmological order, time and justice. He exists to drive the universe forth.
  As the lord of order and justice, he himself only cares about cosmological justice and order, however many mortals venerate him for less important matter of justice and order, Valorien happily obliges. After the calamity he is the most recent god to return, having taken a great blow from the chaos of the godwound. Valorien is back, and he is very unsatisfied with the state of affairs, which he intends to remedy, fast.  


Valorien is one of the older dieties of Talsya, almost as old as Allumvor, he came into existance as a manifestation of the universal order, a personalisation of justice. When mortals came into being and started worshipping the gods, Valorien quickly ammased followers in the blossoming civilizations of Talsya, as his domain of order was necessary for building societies.
  Valorien has been worshipped for millenia by members of all races, with churches in almost all cities. His churches function a lot like courts, with priests acting like judges independent of governments. In addition to judicial systems, Valoriens worshippers include vast amounts of paladins, seeking glory and upholding order by battling beings from beyond the material plane and enemies of civilization.
  Valorien is morally grey, he cares not much for mortal ideas of good and wrong, rather that those ideas are upheld. More importantly for them is that it is done properly. Valorien despises corruption, anarchy or any kind of disorder and injustice. Due to this, Valoriens worshippers are very diverse, many not agreeing with each other do to Valoriens apparent lack of morality.
  His influence on mortals does not end at death, for he is the supreme arbiter of souls, and the lord of dead souls. He lords over the recent deceased and judges them, breaking their backs with their transgressions. Most souls go to their creator gods, or patron deities. The one exception being human souls, the one thing he does not decide where goes, however he still judges their lives. Mortals fear and respect Valorien, he enforces their laws, props up their societies. Yet they all know that once it all ends, he will be there. And he will be ready.  

Iron Fist, Iron Will

When Valorien awoke from his slumber it was felt across the world. He is back, and he is furious. Mortals are unruly, he thought them capeable to rule themselves, not meddle in cosmic affairs. He was proven wrong. As lord of order, he sees the godwound as a gross violation of stability. Valorien has decided to take a very hands on approach to remedy the situation. Valoriens first act to mark his return was to establish himself and remind mortals of who is truly in charge. As societies still exist, his domain is practised, and even in his absence, his churches kept on and paladins fought in his name. He retains power, and more importantly, power over mortals.
  On the day of his return, bells in cities tolled and rulers of nations, cities and villages were brought to their knees, scales raised over them. Each of them uttered   "Order shall reign, unyielding and absolute."   His return was only matched in grandiose by Lathander, and Valorien was even quicker to act, as the godwound was more devastating for him than anyone else. He is not motivated by ambitions of power like other gods, Valorien is driven by his very being, like a mortal would fight for water and food. Valorien is fighting harder than any other diety, and is mustering all his strength to bring order to chaos.
  He has unlike the other gods decided to get involved himself. He does not believe mortals can do what needs to be done. So he sends forth his emissaries. Like Lathander Valorien has sent forth agents of his design, yet Valoriens angels are not great generals, diplomats or healers. They are made to kill and bend the world back into shape. Adjudicators they have been called.
  How many exist is not known, only that they strike deep into the Feywild and Shadowfell through gateways and rifts, and sometimes success in clsoing them, although too many are opening for his angels to do it alone so far. They slay minor archfey and vile shadow creatures alike, sometimes assisting in battle by the divine host.    
Valorien is returned, with a mission and a rage


The Iron Will
The Unbending Arbiter
Lord of the damned
The Final Judge
The Unyielding Sentinel
The Great Tyrant (Derogatory)


Lawful Neutral  


Divine Scales  


Order, Justice, Stability  

Domains and Oaths

Order, Crown, Watchers, Conquest  


Paladins, Magisters, Judges, City inhabitants.  

Channel divinity

Orders demand


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