Altmer in Tamriel | World Anvil
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• Disease Resistance (50%): Characters with this trait have a chance to resist diseases. Whenever the character would be infected by a common disease, roll a d100. If the roll is less than or equal to 50, the character doesn’t get the disease. • Power Well (20): Characters with this trait have more magicka than usual. Increase their MP max by 20. This trait can stack. • Weakness (Magic, 2): This character increases all incoming magic damage by 2 after mitigation, and suffers a -20 penalty tests made to resist non-damaging magical effects. This trait can stack. • (Racial) Mental Strength: Altmer ignore penalties to Willpower tests made to resist paralysis.   ✥ RANK 1: The dual heritage of the half-elves makes them particularly suited to channel their force of will to achieve feats beyond the natural. Every time you spend one or more Willpower Points to activate a talent or cast a spell, the first WP count as two. Note that this also increases the risk of magic mishaps (see page 118). ✥ RANK 2: You may spend 1 willpower to push any* roll you make, though raw psychic power. You suffer no normal penalties associated with push- ing (se changes to skills), except that on item dice still damages the equipment. Any on your attribute dice, now do not deal attribute damage and do not give you any Willpower Points, they are instead treated as magic mishap dice. This is considered a magical ability, with no additional chance of mishap. It cannot be counter spelled. * You can only push rolls that gain x on 6’s, has no effect on 2-5, and some disadvantage on rolling . You are allowed to push armor rolls and magic rolls. Note that this talent cannot be used on an already pushed roll, you are no Dwarf. ✥ RANK 3: Add +0.5 when calculating your Will- power Threshold. ✥ RANK 4: When you gain Willpower Points though rest or though talents, gain an additional point if you still are under your Threshold. ✥ RANK 5: Add a further +1 when calculating your Willpower Threshold (to a total of +1.5).

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