Argonian in Tamriel | World Anvil
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✥ RANK 1: Halflings are notoriously hard to get a grip on, and they can easily evade even the most tenacious of pursuers. You can spend Willpower Points in combat to avoid being hit by physical attacks (see Chapter 5). Every WP spent elimi- nates one x the attacker rolls. ✥ RANK 2: Double any positive effects from using alcohol, tobacco and narcotics. This has no effect on the intoxicated condition. ✥ RANK 3: Good fortune. Spend 2 Willpower Points to reroll one of your dice showing a . You only need to spend 1 WP if the comes from an attribute die. ✥ RANK 4: As long as you have at least 2 WP, treat all untrained skills as if they had a skill level of 1. ✥ RANK 5: As long as you have at least 3 WP, gain a +1 bonus to all skills. This effect stacks with rank 4.
Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4) • Disease Resistance (75%): Characters with this trait have a chance to resist diseases. Whenever the character would be infected by a common disease, roll a d100. If the roll is less than or equal to 75, the character doesn’t get the disease. • Immunity (Poison): The character is immune to the effects of poison. • Amphibious: The character can breathe water, and ignores the skill cap placed on their combat rolls by their Athletics skill when fighting in water. • (Racial) Inscrutable: Argonians receive a -10 penalty to Persuade tests made to interact with non-Argonians. However, Observe tests made to try to distinguish their motives are made with a -10 penalty. Amphibious, Immunity (Poison/Toxic), Resistance (Disease) (2).

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