Bosmer in Tamriel | World Anvil
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Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4) • Disease Resistance (50%): Characters with this trait have a chance to resist diseases. Whenever the character would be infected by a common disease, roll a d100. If the roll is less than or equal to 50, the character doesn’t get the disease. • Resistance (Poison, 1): This character reduces all incoming poison damage by 1, and gains a +10 bonus to tests made to resist non-damaging poison effects. This trait can stack. • (Racial) Natural Archers: Bosmer add shortbows to any combat style they use, and this does not count towards that combat style’s five trained equipment types. • (Racial) Beast Tongue: Bosmer can speak to, and under- stand the speech of, animals. How exactly this functions is left to the GM’s discretion, though it is recommended the GM call for a Perception test when the Bosmer encounters the speech of an unfamiliar animal to determine if they can understand it and communicate back. Talents: Ranged Weapon Training (Bows) (BS). Traits: Resistance (Disease) (1). Powers: Beast Tongue, The Wild Hunt.

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