Cyrodiilic in Tamriel | World Anvil
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Humans are new to the Forbidden Lands and are seen as intruders by the other kin. 
  ✥ RANK 1: no other kin can adapt to new situations and living conditions the way the Cyrodiils can. If you spend a Willpower Point when you are about to roll for a skill, you can roll for any skill of your choice to achieve the same result. You must be able to explain how you could use the other chosen skill. The GM has final say. 
✥ RANK 2: Spend 1 Willpower Point to gain or give a d8 instead of a d6 when helping or being helped by others. Can only be applied once per roll. ✥ RANK 3: Add any skill bonus of the replaced skill when you use rank 1 to use a different skill. You may now also choose which attribute to use. ✥ RANK 4: You grant nearby allies a +1 bonus to one skill you have 3 or more ranks in. No one can receive more than a +1 bonus from this effect. ✥ RANK 5: Gain +1 to any attribute, may not exceed 6.

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