Dunmer in Tamriel | World Anvil
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Traits: Elemental Resistance (Fire Damage) (50), Resistance (Heat) (1). Powers: Ancestor Guardian -  The Dunmer can, once per Long Rest, cast Sanctuary (3) on themselves that lasts for 3 Rounds as a free action that costs no Magicka Points, and requires no test. Additionally, the Dunmer can perform a ritual that costs 10 drakes worth of incense and powders during a Long Rest to consult with their ancestor, asking up to d4+1 questions. The ancestor replies only with a disembodied voice only the Dunmer can hear, or sends imag- ery or signs to be interpreted. This is up to GM’s arbitration. The ancestor can only share knowledge and wisdom it would reasonably have had while they were alive. Other: Receive a -3 Penalty to Fellowship based Skill Tests to interact with all other Races. Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4) • Resistance (Fire, 3): This character reduces all incoming fire damage by 3, and gains a +30 bonus to tests made to resist non-damaging fire effects. This trait can stack. Powers (see the Powers section later in the Chapter)

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