Nord in Tamriel | World Anvil
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Nords are far more stubborn than others, and can fight on when other kin have no strength left. You can push a Strength-based dice roll multiple times by spending Willpower Points. Every point spent allows you to push the roll one more time. ✥ RANK 2: When you push a roll multiple times, every Willpower Point spent now allows you to push the roll two more times, instead of only one. ✥ RANK 3: Gain a +1 bonus to any one (strength-based skill). ✥ RANK 4: You may spend 1 WP to either reduce any damage you take by 1, or the Power Level of a spell targeting you by one. ✥ RANK 5: Improve the skill bonus from rank 3 by one, to a total of +2.   Traits: Elemental Resistance (Frost Damage) (50), Elemental Resistance (Shock Damage) (25), Resistance (Cold) (1).

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