Orsimer in Tamriel | World Anvil
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The kin talent of Orcs. Rank 1 as in the Player ́s Handbook.The orcs were cursed with Trinimac. Their tempers are short and their ways harsh, but their bodies are strong. They are very resilient when it comes to pain and punishment. ✥ RANK 1: When you are Broken by any kind of damage (see page 107), you can spend Willpower Points to im- mediately get back on your feet. For every point you spend, you recover 1 point of the Broken attribute. You cannot use this talent unless you are Broken. The talent does not affect critical injuries. ✥ RANK 2: You may spend Willpower Points to re- duce x from fear effects. If you can make a roll to resist the fear effect, you can spend WP after seeing the result of that roll. ✥ RANK 3: When you use rank 1 or 2 of this talent, the first Willpower Point you spend, counts as two. ✥ RANK 4: After using rank 1, gain an additional d8 die to your next attack during the encounter. ✥ RANK 5: The effect from rank 4 now effects all your attacks until the encounter ends.

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