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East Empire Trading Company

“I love wandering the merchant stalls. Examining all the
goods that we helped bring to the Gold Coast. I get a
certain amount of pleasure from experiencing the result of
all my paperwork and negotiations.”
-Dobias Sophus
    The East Empire Trading Company is a flourishing mercantile organization that looks after a broad array of business interests. Mostly known for trading general goods, trinkets, and supplies, the Company also deals in weaponry, armor, and adventuring gear and have unique partnerships with various guilds and businesses. Sometimes their ventures are a bit unorthodox, secretly trading in exotic creatures from far off regions—such as Craglorn—resulting in confrontations with officials.   Despite their somewhat mixed reputation, and sometimes unwelcome notoriety, the Company continues to supply Tamrielic citizens with all kinds of products. Spices from Elsweyr. Curios imported from Vvardenfell. They are even renowned for the stalls and kiosks that they hire to others.  

Goals of the Company

  In short, the Company's main ambition is profit. Through trade, acquisition, and innovation, the Company competes for the dominant market share in order to gain the largest sums of gold. They may achieve this by investing in expeditions for rare goods and items, enforcing their dominance upon freelance merchants not yet committed to the   Company, and the general expansion of their sphere of influence. The members of the Company are eager to get their hands on the newest products to prove they are worthy of promotion and therefore, better compensation. There are some who wish to see the Company freed from bureaucracy and the shareholders to achieve the optimal environment for free trade and soaring profits. Unfortunately for their cause, the shareholders still decide on the course set by the company.   In an ideal world, the Company wants to monopolize their trade and see their earnings rise as citizens from all over Tamriel buy their goods.  

Joining the Company

    As a new trader, you have to understand the true value of gold, and you are expected to know that spending it is sometimes necessary to make more of it. You might have started your time with the Company sweeping floors around the shop, calling out sales in the marketplace, or handing out pamphlets on the streets. It’s possible you’ve been doing this since you could hold a broom, especially if you’ve been born into the guild, serving a family business. Interns at the Company start at the bottom of the organization, needing to make a name for yourself by aiding your superiors in their endeavors. Depending on your skills, you might fit into different roles in the guild.  


  Every asset within the company is worth protecting, and there is never a shortage of work for those that can. You might be the muscle who collects debt payments from the guilds clients, or you might need to intimidate those who have fallen behind. Every now   and then, assets need to be guarded during transport, and you might be along for the ride. Fighters and thieves typically meet these expectations, especially those with the Assault or Ruffian archetype.  


  Those with a silver tongue (most likely bards and rogues, or nightblades that have focused on illusion spells) have a knack for getting what they want. If you are more suited for social encounters than combat, you might be best suited behind a desk or with a contract in one hand and a quill in the other.    

Feature: Intern Merchant

    As a member of the East Empire Trading Company, you can rely on certain benefits that the guild provides for you. While conducting business for the guild, you will be provided an allowance that covers food and comfortable lodgings at any inn associated with the Company. In some cities and towns, East Empire Company guildhalls are key locations to meet with other traders, high ranking members, potential patrons, or mercenaries.   If you are accused of a crime, your guild will support you if a good case can be made for your innocence or if the crime is justifiable. You also gain discounts when shopping from businesses that are a part of the Company. When purchasing any supplies or services from a guild member—such as weapons or a night at an inn—you receive a 10% discount.  

Rank and Renown

  A strict hierarchy is important to the East Empire Trading Company and roles are clearly defined in the many documents outlining the organizational structure. Pressure is placed on its members to continually strive to increase their own status and compete with their colleagues with the same ambition used against outside competitors.  

Company Spells

Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Night Magic class feature   For you, the spells on the East Empire Trading Company Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)
Spell Level Spell 1 Spell 2
Cantrip Mending Message
1st Level Charm Person Identify
2nd Level Arcane Lock Knock
3rd Level Sending Tongues
4th Level Arcane Eye Compulsion
5th Level Modify memory Telekinesis

Rank 1: Trader

  Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the East Empire Trading Company When you have proven yourself to be a reliable employee of the guild, you are provided with a kiosk or cart under the company's name to sell goods that have been provided for you. As a trader, you’re starting to become well-practiced in estimating the value of goods and objects, due to the Company's strict policies on quality control, and you can generally ascertain the value of most items with some accuracy.   As long as you spend at least one week each month selling wares from your kiosk or on your travels, after the company’s cut of the profits, you earn a salary that supports you at a modest lifestyle.    

Oddjob: Special Role

  Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the East Empire Trading Company   Looking after a small shop isn’t ideal for everyone, especially not you. You prefer to take a hands-on approach to making sure the business has what it needs to keep competitive. Instead of running a kiosk in a city or outpost, you help those that do by running errands, procuring special goods or escorting precious cargo.  

Rank 2: Sales Associate

  Prerequisite: Rank 1 and Renown 10 or higher in the East Empire Trading Company   When you become a sales associate of the East Empire Trading Company, you have become respected enough to move away from the outdoor markets and find yourself a new home in one of the respected Company stores. In this role, you are part of a team that assists the merchant that heads the business. You have also become more familiar with the volatile world of trade, allowing you to recognize opportunities and pick up on rumors at inns and taverns that others might miss. The Company also allows you to make use of their contacts which can provide information, air, or even discounts at certain stores or guilds.   An oddjob at this rank might continue what they do, but supplying and servicing the store instead. You might also spend time working in the warehouses and stockpiles.   Your promotion will supply you with an income worthy of a comfortable lifestyle, provided you spend at least one week each month working for the Company.
Guild, Merchant

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