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Mages Guild

“The Guild of Mages provides benefits to scholars of magic
and established laws regarding the proper use of magic.
The Guild is dedicated to the collection, preservation, and
distribution of magical knowledge with an emphasis on
ensuring that all citizens of Tamriel benefit from this
    What began as a branch of the exclusive Psijic Order during the Second Era, the Mages Guild grew to become a self-sufficient organization of unified mages throughout Tamriel. When Vanus Galerion proposed to offer magical services such as enchanting, alchemy, and spellcasting to the general public for a price, he caught the attention of the King of Firsthold. Almost immediately after, the Guild was formed. Slowly but surely, the Mages Guild started to expand its reach through most of Tamriel, conquering initial skepticism from certain provinces.   Since then, the Guild has become a well-known institution for those with an aptitude for magic that wish to learn more about the arcane arts. The Guild provides services, training, and classes in all of the schools of magic and magical trades, and its vast libraries contain knowledge of mystical history and arcane artifacts. They have even been known to teach some forms of necromancy, although the extent is largely dependent on the region and current cultural climate.   The Mages Guild's influence is able to affect local governments concerning magical policies, and their mages are known to be apt advisors who are willing to share their knowledge with the world.  

Inside the Mages Guild

  At the top of the Mages Guild’s organization sits the Arch-Mage. This accomplished spellcaster spends most of their time at the guilds headquarters, the Arcane University, inside the Imperial City. The Arch-Mage acts as the figurehead of the guild, advised by a Council of Mages, who determine the magical policies and internal politics of the entire guild, which influences most magical endeavors throughout Tamriel. As the Mages Guild is seen as an authority on all things magical, they are responsible for determining classification and education of the arcane arts, which leads to a strong-armed control of what magic becomes available to the public through the availability of spells taught and sold inside the guildhalls. Over the eras, this has become particularly noticeable with the general public’s attitude toward necromantic magic.   Through the advisory of the Council of Mages, each Guild Hall is run by a Guildmagister, who interprets and enforces the guild laws at a local level. The Magisters direct the research and development of magic within their Hall, and organize the local teachings and sales. The Guildmagisters at each Guild Hall are assisted by a counsel of two masters: The Master at Arms and the High Incunabulist. The Master of Arms has their own counsel of two, the Master of Initiates and the Palatinus, which acts as the leader of the local chapter of the Order of the Lamp, an order of knights that act as protectors of the Mages Guild. The High Incunabulist also presides over an additional counsel of two mages, the Master of Academia and the Master of the Scrye.   Under these masters, mages within the guild focus their studies and efforts in the areas that interest them the most, or where their talents can shine through. Sometimes the local guilds develop knowledge and research in specific magical subjects to set their experiments apart from the other chapters.

Joining the Mages Guild

    Members of the Mages Guild typically start as apprentices to more powerful mages, assisting them alongside other initiates by recording ample notes, researching relevant material, or simply being a test subject for experimental magic. While it’s not glamorous work for enterprising wizards, there is a lot to be learned by watching the masters. While the guild is open to all people, membership is almost exclusive to those who have the potential to cast spells. If you already know how to cast a spell, perhaps you are a mage or a sorcerer, the guild will welcome you into its ranks quickly. Your preferred school of magic or your particular type of sorcery will usually have you paired with a master with similar interests or in need of your particular competencies. If you are a spellsword, crusader, or someone who has unrealized magical capabilities, you will still be taken in by the Guild, but you will likely have a much slower progression until you can substantiate your ability. You may be passed over, given menial tasks, or other assignments that don’t require the use of magic.

Lamp Knights

    The Order of the Lamp is only open to those that can demonstrate their fighting skills. These knights are the protectors of the Mages Guild. If you are a crusader or spellsword, you will easily fit in among these ranks, even a warrior or ranger will have a place, as the ability to cast spells is not a requirement. Under the direction of the Palantinus, you might be entrusted to escort and protect other mages on expeditions, or be sent out on errands on behalf of the Guildmagister. While you may not exhibit the same skills as other prominent mages in the guild, your rank is still considered to be equal, although your role might look significantly different.

Feature: Arcane Knowledge

    The expansive libraries that can be found inside every Mages Guild across Tamriel are well renowned and sought after by scholars, nobles, and practitioners of magic. As an initiate of the Mages Guild, you have access to any Mages Guild Hall across Tamriel, and gain use of these extensive libraries. These libraries can contain information about all types of magic, from spells, to arcane lore, and obscure information about certain magical items and artifacts. If the knowledge you seek isn’t in your nearest library, you likely know which library contains it. You also gain access to magical tools, such as alchemist supplies, herbalism kits, and enchanter’s tools.  

Rank and Renown

    Renown within the Mages Guild is a measurement of skill and importance. Each rank brings on new levels of responsibilities and expectations as you demonstrate your effectiveness in your school of magic. Of course, these promotions also allow you to pursue your own research and experiments. Opportunities for advancement become rare after becoming a Master Wizard, but the prestige gained from those promotions provide ample motivation to keep studying.  

Mages Guild Spells

    Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Night Magic class feature For you, the spells on the Mages Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)
Spell Level Level 1 Level 2
Cantrip Dancing Lights Firebolt
Level 1 Comprehend Languages Identify
Level 2 Enhance Ability Misty Step
Level 3 Clairvoyance Magic Circle
Level 4 Arcane Eye Dimension Door
Level 5 Legend Lore Scrying

Rank 1: Wizard

  Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher with the Mages Guild   You have shown an aptitude as an apprentice and have been promoted to the rank of wizard. In this role, you serve under a master with a more hands-on approach to research and discovery than you had as an initiate or apprentice. You lead these experiments, but with your master’s goals in mind. Only spellcasters can conduct magical experimentation, while Lamp Knights are more likely to help in research projects or provide themselves for another mages experiment.   As a wizard, you gain access to 1d4 apprentice wizards that also serve under your master to assist you in your research projects. When you achieve this rank, you are directed to create your own mages’ staff, which is used as a symbol of your status as a wizard. This staff likely represents your key school of interest, or the magical school you are the most practiced in. To create the staff, you must spend 10 days of downtime at a Mages Guild enchanter’s study, assisting a master wizard in the construction of the staff, which is given to you at the end of this time. If your staff is lost or destroyed, you can create a replacement by spending 200 septims and another 10 days of downtime.   Between work and adventures, you now gain a salary pursuing your duties that supports you at a modest lifestyle.  

Rank 2: Master Wizard

Prerequisite: Rank 1 and Renown 10 or higher with the Mages Guild   Regardless if you have become an accomplished mage or a stalwart protector, you are now eligible for a promotion as a master wizard. In this position, you oversee one of several functions of the guild, as well as the mages that you once apprenticed alongside. As a spellcaster, you are likely promoted to either the Master of Academia or the Master of Scrye, depending on your arcane path and skill. In this role, you serve as counsel to the High Incunabulist and communicate their goals to the wizards and apprentices that assist you. You have increased independence in the methods you choose to establish your goals and gain the assistance of 4d4 apprentice wizards.   Lamp Knights advance to the role of the Master of Initiates or the Palatinus. As Palatinus, you lead the local chapter of the Order of the Lamp, and as Master of Initiates, you are given a significant role in determining the Order’s recruitment and training protocols. In either role, you are in regular contact with the Master at Arms, and provide counsel when requested. You can secure the assistance of a band of 2d4 soldiers and 2d4 hedge wizards that can accompany and assist on missions for the guild. As a master wizard, you now earn a salary sufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
Guild, Mages

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