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Session 18: The Midnight Masquerade

General Summary

Our party found themselves in the Birdhouse in the morning, ready for the day. As they went to speak with Gentlemen Jack Stacey, they were informed of a number of different letters having come their way. The first letter was from their friend Aethrondil who had cracked the code of the mysterious payroll. Aethrondil had business to take care of for the day and as such would not be available for the ball. The second letter was from their Dunmer Guide Darius, who informed them that their contact with the Ash'Abah was ready to meet with them and that they should meet Darius outside the gates of Skaven at mid day tomorrow so he can take the party to meet with them. The party decided to spend the bulk of the day with Steve and his bear Kevin. Havem and Steve spent a number of hours working with Kevin the Brown Bear, feeding him pomegranates and helping him to work up the trust to work with the two of them. After a number of hours, they were able to work up the abillity to stroke the bear without being attacked as well as get close without scaring it off.   Satisfied with their work, the party returned to the city. Upon approaching the gates, Steve would notice a large swarm of something flying in the direction of the city. Unable to get a good look at it, the party assumed it was a swarm of locusts or other desert dwelling insects and paid it no mind.   Back at the Birdhouse, Steve would query Jack on the status of his Ring of Animal Influence, at which Jack would tell him a seller was willing to part with one for a charge of an additonal 500 septims tomorrow morning.   As the party finished getting ready for the evening, Jack would debrief the party on his plans for the evening. Hoping to ingratiate himself and the Gentlemen on the public, he was hosting a charity auction to support the Skooma addicts and homeless of the city. The auction would take place mid way through the evening. 3 objects would be sold, a Text called Studies on Apocrypha, a unique text written by Morian Zenas, a painting called a Girl and her Mudcrab created by renowned Argonian painter Oyl-En-Kanvess, and lastly, a priceless artefact called the Bloodstone Diadem, a crown said to have been worn by the Queen of the Gray Host, the kingdom of Vampires and Werewolves who occupied the area during the First Era before the Great Crossing.   At the event itself, the party would find themselves brushing elbows with the various lords and ladies of the area. Immediately upon entering the ball, Peen-Ja would find himself enamored with a beautiful Bosmer maiden named Gwendolyn found dancing in the water feature all by herself. She entertained him by enchanting some tiny water droplets to dance on his shoulders. Peen-Ja found himself infatuated with the fair maiden, before being sternly told by one of his fellow Gentleman to stop playing in the water lest he face Jack Stacey's wrath.   Jonus and Steve would spend some time chatting with a familiar face, Ansei Jarrick Cathen and their friend and fellow prison mate, Tobogo Akunda. Tobogo and the Ansei were in town to participate in the Great Camel Races, Skaven's version of the Arena. Eager for a rematch, Tobogo pressed Steve to tell him what he would be racing as they had brought two of their prized stallions to pull a chariot. Steve would tell him that a Brown Bear was acquired by the party to use in the arena.   While Steve was chatting with Tobogo and the Ansei, the hairs on the back of Jonus' neck would stand straight up as he overheard a voice arguing with Commander al-Gatha and his wife, Katha Kindman al-Gatha. Wearing a completly undiscernable mask, Jonus was able to feign observing the various greeney to eavesdrop on their conversation while Steve repositioned himself while chatting with Tobogo to get a view of the argument. The Commander was in a heated argument with a Breton woman whom Jonus believed to be his sister. They were arguing about the Skooma shipments or lackthereof. The Commander appeared to be blaming the Gentleman for the disruptions. There appeared to be an air of urgency and desperation in his voice as the Breton woman demanded results lest she have to send the Magpie to deal with his ineptitude.   After the argument, Jonus decided to write a small note to pass along to the woman he believed to be his sister. As she was walking through the gardens, he quickly passed along beside her, bumping into her shoulder and droping a note that read: Hello sister, I am back.   Catching a glimpse of her reaction while she read the note, Jonus saw her lips curl into a cheeky half smile before the letter erupted into flames in her hand, ashes falling into a large floral arrangement before going to rejoin the party.   Steve would also have a moment to chat with the Commander, who would praise him for getting invited to this event to conduct recon, however would ask him why he had not attended to the Dwemer Ruin. Steve would let him know that they were busy and it would be at the top of the agenda once their investigation was complete.   Havem spent a great deal of his time grazing on snacks and tending to Toe-Neigh.   Steve would take it upon himself to approach the Breton woman from before and strike up a conversation. The woman would introduce herself as Lady Raealla Odill, and was in Skaven on Business. She claimed to be here on business relating to the Mages Guild in Daggerfall. After making some small talk, Steve would notice Raealla studying him closely, however could not detect any recognition or hidden motives in her expression.   Peen-Ja would spend some more time corrousing and such, meeting an Breton man named Elroy who identified himself as a prememinent expert of Dwemer ruins and technology. He was found tinkering with a Dwemer construct, a small sphere which he believed he could get working. He also stated that he was waiting for a group of adventurers to help lead him through a Dwemer ruin excavated to the North of the City on the Kindman Farms, which Peen-Ja remembered was what the Commander had told them to do. He made sure to tell Elroy that they would be sure to help and would not keep him waiting for too much longer.   Steve would also take a moment to chat with Imperial Consul Marcus Colovian. Passing along the intelligence gained from Aethrondil, he would communicate to the Consul the complicated conspiracy brewing in Skaven and across the Iliac Bay. The Consul had been tipped off this morning by agents operating in the city that something was going to be coming his way and so thankfully he was prepared to recieve this proof that the Darkin and the Knights were colluding with one another. The Consul would tell Steve that a Legion led by General Atticus was marching towards Skaven from Sentinel, and would arrive within a week. He would send the General a message to inform him that he should be preparing for a siege, especially considering the news from the Sapphire Palace in Skaven this morning.   The Auction would then begin to kick off, with the text called Studies on Apocrypha being won by Peen-Ja. As the auction was kicking off full steam ahead, Steve would notice something fluttering around in the trees, however was unable to track what it was. The second item, the Girl and her Mudcrab painting would be auctioned off to the Imperial Consul Marcus Colovian.   As the third item, the Bloodstone Diadem, was being auctioned off, a fierce bidding war would erupt between Peen-Ja, the Consul and a third person, a woman dressed in traditional redguard nomad wear. As Peen-Ja was weeded out, the bidding would continue between the two before the Consul would stop his bids. A couple party members would notice that he appeared to be struggling against something: a vein was bulging from his head, his arm was stuck half raised, and his face was straining. As the Diadem was declared to be sold to the woman dressed in Nomad clothing, she would begin to monologue as she approached Jack.   “For centuries I have dwelled in dusty caves, feeding upon skeevers while pitiful mortals such as yourselves drink and dine in your gilded palaces like the squealing pigs you all are. The arrogance you exhude in offering such a prized artefact for sale without truly understanding the significance of such an item is magnificent as it is laughable. You are all food. Food for my brothers and sisters who have slept in the prison you keep, cursed to neither live nor die, toiling in a timeless prison. After my children feed on each and every one of you, draining every single drop of blood from your disgusting meat bags, only then will you be given release. Release from your mortal bonds and eternal servitude to the Khulari as my thralls.     This diadem belongs to the Khulari, and we will use it to ensure that our brethren are freed."   Chaos would erupt in the Birdhouse as bats would descend from the trees and transform into Vampires. A number of different people would drop from apparent paralysis including: Jack Stacey, the Imperial Consul and his legionnaire guard, Ansei Jarrick Cathen, Lady Raealla Odill, Commander al-Gatha and more. Tobogo would cry out and tell the party that in order for them to win this fight, they needed to free Ansei Jarrick Cathen as his Sword Song could slice through any magical enchantments keeping everyone paralyzed.   As the fight kicked off, the Vampire woman who grabbed a hold of the Diadem would cast a Fear spell, terrifying everyone in sight except for Havem. A brawl would begin to kick off, with Tobogo and Steve focusing on the vampire keeping the Ansei paralyzed. The Vampiress would grab the diadem and then transform into a swarm of bats before rushing to the top of the Birdhouse. As the Vampiress moved to Flee, Steve would shout the Dragon Shout, Marked for Death on her, placing a Hunters mark on her in case she escaped.   Havem, having been the only one to stare into the face of the dreadful Vampiress, would face his fear and fire a powerful volley of arrows at her as she moved to escape. A great spectral Serpent would appear around Havem, as the power of Ouroboros began to awaken in his hands. Havem's shots would strike true, destroying a massive portion of the Bat Swarm. Havem would make sure to place his Primal Mark upon her as well.   The Vampiress would quickly transform back into her humanoid form as she hovered at the top of the Birdhouse, casting a fireball that exploded outwards and shattering the glass ceiling before quickly transforming back into the swarm and fleeing the area with the Diadem in hand. The rest of the party would spend time engaging the vampires still in the building and who were feeding upon the various guests. Peen-Ja would valiantly attempt to protect his new friend Elroy the Dwemer Expert, but in the process was bitten by one of the Vampires.   Steve would attempt to save Jack Stacey who had also been paralysed and was being fed upon by one of the Vampires. While he was able to engage with the Vampire, by the time it was slain, Jack looked weak and devoid of colour in his face.   As the Vampiress escaped, more of the Vampires in the building would also move to flee. 3 of the 7 vampires would be slain by the party, with 4 as well as the Vampiress escaping out of the roof as a swarm of bats. As the Vampires fled, the Commander would be freed from his paralysis and immediately begin charging out the door to rally the Knights of the Hawk to protect the city. Farhad and the remaining Gentlemen would rally and start funneling civilians out of the Birdhouse and into safety. Steve would also order Brother Hamish, as well as any other civilians who had been bitten, to head for the Imperial Temple where they could hopefully be cleansed of any potential vampirism. Gwendolyn the Bosmer Maiden would assist Peen-Ja by healing him for a small amount and restoring some of his maximum hp.   The session would end in the immediate moments after the fight.
Report Date
02 Nov 2022

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