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Session #3 Recap

General Summary

Session #3 Recap   The party collected themselves after a heavy day of combat and activity. After resting in the now abandoned Reachmen camp, the party found themselves looking for what to do next. Clyde was quick to point out that there was a trapdoor hidden by one of the tents in the camp. Using the Key that Steve found on the Hagraven’s corpse, they found themselves in the Smugglers Cave.   The Smugglers Cave was simple and contained some mouldy supplies and a rowboat that the party could use to escape the island. It was determined that they would head to Sentinel in Hammerfell to resupply and plan their next move. Cleetus’ In-Laws live in Sentinel so they set out from Raven’s Rock and began the long row to the mainland. After about half a day of rowing, an East Empire Trading Ship was spotted on the horizon. After careful inspection on approach, it was determined that the ship was empty and the crew was no where to be seen. Even more puzzling was the fact that it appeared as if the entire crew all up and left in an instant, with dinner still on the table from the night before. Steve’s knowledge of the area came in handy as he remembered that Harpys are a common sight in the Bay. Quickly crafting ear plugs, the party made the decision to sail the ship to Sentinel to collect a reward from the Company. Catching the wind just right, El Capitan was able to confidently steer the ship and by evening they would see the Samurik, Castle Sentinel’s imposing figure on the shoreline.   On making port at the Wayfarer’s Wharf, the party collected a reward of 1000 septims from Grizlyc, the curmudgeon-like representative of the company for the return of the ship. They came upon a city in action, with preparations being made for the arrival of Empress Katariah in 10 days time. After exchanging pleasantries with Grizlyc and receiving an offer for work if they needed it, they began working their way into the city. Tobogo took off to his private residence near The Forge, while Clyde gave the party directions to his guild should he ever need them.   It wouldn’t take long before chaos erupted at the docks as a massive explosion rocked the pier, destroying the docks and sinking the newly returned tradeship in the harbour. Springing into action, the party rescued a few of the injured and trapped dockhands as the Order of the Candle, protectors of the King of Sentinel, cordoned off the area. The party was asked to report to Lord Commander Saraad at the Garrison to give him the news. The party decided to split up briefly, with Steve and Havem going to meet the Lord Commander, and El Capitane and Cleetus going to the Tawil Townhouse.   Steve and Havem met with Lord Commander Saraad, a seasoned warrior and veteran of the order. Saraad thanked Steve and Havem for their service to the king and paid them 500 septims for their service. He mentioned that the Order was spread thin currently: the King was touring the surrounding villages to ensure the city was up to par for the Empress’ arrival, and the order was also securing the city. Lord Commander Saraad requested the party aid him in finding the perpetrator of the bombing and guaranteed a reward and an audience with the King.   Cleetus and El Capitane got themselves set up at the Tawil Townhouse where they met with Cleetus’ Father In Law, Darshan Tawil. Darshan offered the Townhouse or the Vineyard as places to stay and rest in the city should they need it. He also asked Cleetus to look into a blight affecting his crops at the main vineyard just outside the city. Steve and Havem would rendezvous with the party and join them in the Tawil Townhouse where they would rest, learn new skills and train for the adventures to come!
Report Date
22 Dec 2021

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