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Session 5 - A Blight Abated

General Summary

On a quiet night, our party found themselves deep in the Sentinese outskirts. They were hot on the trail of a supposed "Lamia", a demon of daedric origins that was said to have been the cause of a terrible blight at the Tawil Vineyards. When arriving at the Lamia's lair, the party was surprised to find a Nordic Healer by the name of Ingrid, who was tending to the weak, diseased, and wounded of the Sentinese underbelly. Redguard villagers, mistrustful of magic, had labelled Ingrid as a Lamia out of ignorance, and a lack of understanding of the power she wields.    After asking the party to wait outside while she finished her surgery, the party consulted with Ingrid on the blight. Ingrid was familiar with this type of blight, having seen it when she was a young apprentice at the College of Winterhold in Skyrim, when her and her master were tasked with purifying the farmlands of Solitude after the conclusion of the War of the Red Diamond. The Blight, known as Black Rot Blight, or the Touch of Peryite, is known to appear as the result of powerful necromantic or daedric  summoning rituals.    Ingrid crafted a Daedric Purification Tonic for the party with the assistance of Aethrondil, giving him the finished product as well as the recipe to ensure it doesn't surface again for a small fee. Ingrid, impressed by the skill of Aethrondil, also offered him lessons in Restoration Magic, should he wish to train in some of the healing arts.   Gratefully accepting the tonic, Havem caught wind of a heavy presence of guards from the Order of the Candle in the area where the party had gotten into a scuffle with some children. Leading the party over, they saw evidence of another terrorist attack that occurred, killing two children. The party, were all unaware of the part their companion Steve had played in the demise these young boys. Swearing to Havem that the party would apprehend the terrorists, and consoling Camila Tawil, Steve led the party back to the Tawil Townhouse.    Back at the Tawil Townhouse, the group met again with Jeahleen Tawil and the Lady Shaia Kurt. Jeahleen was entertaining a guest, an Argonian by the name of Peeeen-Ja who had come to investigate the blight at the vineyard. An expert on daedric knowledge, Peeeen-Ja warned the party that any purification ritual would likely result in the emergence of a lesser Daedra. Happy to assist in the ritual, Peeeen-Ja joined the group to take part in the ritual, and to prepare for a battle if necessary.    Cleetus would lead the group to the main well of the vineyard, and directed Peeeen-Ja to begin the ritual. Taking defensive stances, the party were faced with a Plague Atronarch, a less daedra in service to Peryite that likely was the cause of the blight in the vineyard. After a fierce battle, the party would be victorious, successfully applying the purification tonic, and vanquishing the Plague Atronarch.    After a successfull evening of daedra hunting, the party would retire to the vineyard. Jeahleen prepared a meal of champions for the party, and as a reward, gifted the party with 300 septims each as well as the Staff of the Vineyard, a powerful quarterstaff that had been in the family for generations. Finishing their breakfast, the party would make a quick stop in Sentinel before heading out in the direction of the Shrine to the Darkin.    The Shrine to the Darkin lay off the beaten path of the Ali'kr Desert. Crossing over high reaching sand dunes, the party unknowingly walked straight into the lair of a Giant Scorpion and its babies. The Giant Scorpion was almost tamed by the quick thinking of Cleetus, however after Steve murdered its children, it would break free of Cleetus' charms and almost slay Cleetus in its vice grip claws.    Seeking refuge for the evening, Havem would spy a small oasis in the evening. Quickly leaping at the chance of a safe place to rest, the party would begin to set up shop and begin unpacking. Manly De Heller attempted to wash some of the scorpion meat in the oasis pool, only to be attacked by an Oasis Remhoraz, a sub-species of the terrifying creature that lurks in arctic wastes. A battle would ensue and come to a climax when Manly was swallowed whole by the creature and only the valiant efforts of the party would stop him from becoming monster chow after they slayed the beast in the nick of time. After a terrifying day of battle and combat, the party would take a short rest, and hope that the days ahead would prove calm and uneventful.
Report Date
22 Feb 2022

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