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Session Report 9: The Grand Sentinel Games

General Summary

Our session begins with the party awaking at the Tawil Townhouse after a busy night of raiding the Darkin hideout. The party had all sat down for breakfast, accept Havem and Jonus, and while eating their breakfast of cheese and fruits, a messenger arrived at the townhouse with a letter for the whole party. A message had come down from the castle from King Fahara’jad IV himself, summoning the party to an audience with him and the Empress during the Feast at the conclusion of the Grand Sentinel Games which were taking place the following day. Eager to get prepared or the Arena, the party all separated and fanned out across the city to gather supplies and make their preparations.     Peeeeen-Ja, Aethrondil and Cleetus went shopping in the Sentinese Bazaar, putting in an order for fine tailored clothes with Edvard at Stiches and Silks. Peeeeen-Ja made a large purchase of various potions and acquired a pair of Boots of Springing and Striding. Aethrondil also met his apprentice from the Order of the Candle, the young Ferdinand, who aided him with his shopping. After placing his order with Edvard, Aethrondil departed to see Ingrid, who helped him master the spell, Absorb Skill, over the course of a long day of magical training. Steve decided to pay a visit to the Tawil Townhouse, inviting Camilla along as his date to the feast after the Grand Sentinel Games, which she graciously accepted. With a pep in his step, Steve departed back for the city to prepare, putting in another order with Edvard to have a beautifully enchanted cloak created for him.   As the party was finishing their preparations, Steve could hear a large procession making their way through the city. Empress Katariah had arrived in the city. She was waling along the main throughfare, greeting the citizenry and accepting gifts from the various people walking along. Katariah is a regal dunmer woman, dressed in purple and black travelling clothes and walking in lockstep with her Imperial forces and Blades bodyguards. Walking with her, was the famed Imperial Battlemage, the Altmer named Jovron Dirreni, a member of the powerful Direnni Dynasty that hailed from the Isle of Balfiera, the only major Altmer enclave outside of the Summerset Isles. The Direnni Dynasty preside over the Adamantine tower, one of the mythical towers that dot across the land and hold ancient, divine and arcane origins. Katariah and Jovron were also joined by a Breton sorcerer, someone Steve could not recognize. The entourage could be seen working their way up to Castle Sentinel, spending the night with the King.   With their preparations almost completed, Steve spent the evening on patrol with his small squad of Order of the Candle Apprentices, monitoring the streets and walking the beat. The rest of the party learned that Havem had decided to go on a hunting trip for the next little while as he was not prepared to fight in the arena and needed some alone time with Toe-Neigh. The following morning, the party awoke to collect their various orders from Edvard before departing for the arena. It was decided that a team made up of Peeeeen-Ja, Jonus (Maximus), Cleetus, and Aethrondil would take part under the name, “Heroes of Sentinel.” Steve would take his place observing the games from outside the ring, and hyping the team up in between fights.   The Arena games were called by a flamboyant Imperial named Varric Dondarrion, the legendary Arena announcer who travelled the circuit to call the various tournaments. The first match saw the Heroes of Sentinel pitted up against ancient Dwemer constructs. Entering the arena under a spotlight created by Aethrondil, the fight began against three Dwarven spheres, which were easily dispatched by the party, with the crowd eating it up. It was an easy beginning to the fight, that became more challenging when the Dwemer Centurion was unleashed upon the party. Maximus found himself in the crosshairs of a massive explosion of steam erupting from the centurion, which he was able to shrug it off with minor burns. Maximus was able to climb atop the Centurions head, and rip it from its place, felling the mighty construct before it had a chance to do anymore damage.   The second round saw the Heroes of Sentinel take part in a balancing game. There were a number of beams laid down that they had to balance upon while taking part in a duel against the Khajit Ja’han and the Twilight Sphinxes. The games got off to a hot start from Ja’han, who did a springboard backflip to get himself set for a duel in the center of the ring. The hot start was unfortunately not followed by his teammates, with one of them wiping out and falling off the beams on the first round. Maximus attempted to engage with Ja’han, which saw him catch another cone of flames as he approached. Peeeeen-Ja followed close behind, taking position right behind Maximus. Ja’han channeled the power of the Flaming Fist, with red hot flames pulsating from his hands as he went to strike Maximus with his ultimate attack. Maximus was able to cast a shield spell in response, his dragonskin attempting to block the damage from the blow, however the force of the attack was to great, shattering the shield and knocking Maximus off the balance beam and eliminating him for the round. Cleetus was able to knock one of the sphinxes off the beam by landing an arrow shot in the leg of one them. A great duel between Peeeen-Ja and Ja’han would ensue, with Peeeeen-Ja eliminating many of the remaining Sphinxes with his powerful defensive magic, and completely destroying Ja’han where he stood. The game would end in a victory for the Heroes of Sentinel, albeit a close one with only two team members making it to the end.   The third game saw the Heroes of Sentinel take part in a game of Capture the Flag against Gro Hogan and the Meatheads, a group of Orcs from the kingdom of Orsimer. The game got off to a good start for the Meatheads, with one of them making a mad dash for the flag, while others took up various defensive positions. Peeeeen-Ja channeled the spirit of the Frog, launching himself almost 100 feet across the arena from the teams flag to the flag of the Meatheads, catching a battleaxe to the chest before he landed. Cleetus, attempted to challenge Gro to a duel which was not accepted. As the round flipped, one of the Meatheads was able to put Maximus in a grapple, however as the tides appeared to be turning in the Meatheads favour, Peeeeen-Ja was able to dodge the grapple attempt of the one guarding the flag, disengage from him and leap back across to their platform with the enemy flag in hand. They had won the game! Even if the crowd was not as excited about it. The final game saw the party competing against a familiar friend, Tobogo Akunda and his troupe the Golden Fangs. Tobogo was their friend whom they had escaped the prison ship with on Ravens Rock and also happened to be the Ansei Jarricks pupil. The Championship round was a game of King of the Fortress. Whoever captured the top point first would start the timer and occupy the point. The point had to be occupied for a total of 5 consecutive rounds or all opposing fighters defeated, whichever came first.   The game began with Tobogo and his troupe taking position across the fortress, not quite able to capture the point. Maximus and Cleetus were able to gain position on the point and start the timer. A duel began between a few of the Golden Fangs and Maximus at the top point. The fight looked to be going in the Golden Fangs favour, before Aethrondil landed an enchantment on Maximus, allowing him to grow and size, becoming Maximum Maximus. As the fight continued, all of the energy of Golden Fangs turned to this now large sized combatant, and they were able to fell Maximus. It was only the good graces of the Empress that saved him from being executed by Tobogo himself.   As the fight continued, Peeeeen-Ja entered into a bloodcraze, completely severing the arm off of one of the Golden Fangs, with the Empress passing the judgement of death upon her. Peeeeen-Ja went straight for the jugular, ripping the womans throat out with his sharp fangs. Cleetus ended up catching one of the other Tobogo the legs with his great hammer, bringing his full might down on his back and rendering him unconscious. The Empress passed the judgement of Life upon Tobogo, sparing him after an honourable fight. Cleetus ended up cleaning up the fight by catching the last Golden Fang on the point with an uppercut, knocking her 30 feet from the top of the platform to the ground below, and landing a diving piledriver attack, killing her, after the Empress passed the judgement of death upon her.   The fight was won! The Heroes of Sentinel had conquered the Arena. For their efforts, each contestant was awarded 1000 septims for their efforts in becoming the Champions of the Grand Sentinel Games. They were also promised a special favour from the King and Empress which would come at the feast later in the evening. The party decided to take the next few hours preparing for the event, healing their wounds, and getting ready for a restful evening of good food and a chance to speak with the monarchs.

Rewards Granted

1000 septims each A meeting with the Empress and King

Missions/Quests Completed

Became the Champions of the Grand Sentinel Games.

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