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Thieves Guild

"I'm a thief. Now, don't get me wrong. I ain't saying this
out of pride, but I ain't ashamed of my occupation neither.
Thieves got a perfect right to exist in the Empire. People
say we're dishonest. Of course, those people are usually
either merchants or priests, which really slays me. Sort of
the snake calling the worm legless."
—Anonymous, Confessions of a Thief
A means to organize theft was introduced as the Thieves Guild ages ago. The guild values professionalism and skill in its members, and is highly notorious for putting those feats to use when it comes to robbing, burgling, and stealing the riches off of the people of Tamriel. One of its greatest feats is the ability to exist while convincing the general public that it doesn’t. Many rumors roam the provinces about this shadowy group of thieves, but the guild itself prefers to stick to the shadows and live in secrecy. Because of this talent, only history truly knows when and where a guild prevailed, but even this knowledge is spotty at best. Many centuries have passed with no official record of a Thieves Guild existing in certain parts of the Empire. Whether one existed or not is lost to myth.   While bands of thieves can endure anywhere, the idea of the Thieves Guild is somewhat unique to the Empire. Tolerated by Imperial Law, the guild has been given the right to exist and operate as a crime regulator. Thieves within the guild protect each other and punish the clumsy and the greedy. Those who rule over others depend on the guild to keep the amateurs, bandits, and codeless thieves out of business. This doesn’t make them immune to the force of law, however, nor does it protect them from others who refuse to turn a blind eye to their deeds. The guild still needs to look out for their own. They are simply organized in their desire to grow rich through unlawful measures, and the members of the Thieves Guild will work to earn their right to survive.  

Goals of the Thieves Guild

    Crime in moderation is good for the economy. The trick is to keep it at a good, even pace with a well timed lull and a minor wave to keep the fat bottoms from becoming complacent. Of course, undisciplined, but talented thieves will keep stealing, empty their pockets, and steal some more. This is not good for anyone. That's where the guild comes in. The Thieves Guild does it’s best to keep its side of the deal with the Empire and regulate crime. To do this, the guild enforces a set of rules that all members must learn to live by. Thieves that refuse to join the guild, or refuse to follow the rules, typically find themselves unable to continue on with their preferred career—it’s hard to steal with a pair of broken arms.   Moderating crime is also a good way to keep hidden. Most citizens of Tamriel would believe that if a Thieves Guild exists, it would create rampant crime that would be impossible to hide. The smart Guildmasters know that the best way to stay out of the spotlight of the law is to remain invisible to everyone. Each member steals at their own discretion. The guild neither helps nor hinders with a burglary. However, hiding their crimes and protecting their own is a high priority for the guild, but the guild also knows when to cut loose reckless thieves as a means of self preservation.   The riches stockpiled by the Thieves Guild are not set aside solely for their own enjoyment. Making sure that the poor and the needy are taken care of is important. By sharing their fortune with the beggars and downtrodden of Tamriel, they can recruit essential allies that become their eyes and ears among the people. This allows the Thieves Guild to gather information about prospective new jobs, possible guard raids, or other events that might change their plans. This allows the guild to work as a loose network of informants and spies that would rival any espionage otherwise seen in Tamriel.

Joining the Thieves Guild

    You began your career with the Thieves Guild in one of two ways: you found them, or they found you. Perhaps after robbing a noble blind you were contacted by a member who asked you to join. Or you followed a friend, who unknowingly led you straight into the guilds hideout, and you wanted in. Regardless, you were recognized for your skills as a capable thief that can follow orders and were invited to join the organization. Inside the guild, you were trained, taught, and kept out of prison. You have been given protection when you needed it, and have given protection when it’s been asked of you. You’ve honed your skills in stealth, spying, forgery, and more, while bringing your own talents to the guild.   You listen to the Doyen. You take your orders from them. You get your favors from them. They can pay off the Imperial judges to remove your crimes if you get caught. If you are a thief from any archetype, you will use the skills and abilities you have that set you apart from other thieves. You will likely play a key role in the guild as a burglar or pickpocket. Rogues can have similar talents, but might find themselves as enforcers, spies, or infiltrators. You’ve probably broken a few bones over the years.   If you are a bard, nightblade, or mage (perhaps from the school of illusion), you use magic to enhance your ability to sneak about. Becoming invisible, using disembodied limbs to distract or pinch for you, or even stealing in broad view and then changing the memories of your marks. Your role in the guild is the same as any other thief, but your methods are truly unique.  

Feature: Friends in Low Places

  Your friends at the Thieves Guild know where the action is, where the action is safe, and where it is not. These friends may be part of the guild or they might be unaffiliated informants or allies. You are taught how to spot, read, and write Shadowmarks. These friends will also provide you with a safe place to hide, where you rest in peace or wait for the heat to cool down. The help of friends also includes fences who will buy your stolen goods, and fixers that can restore your standing with the guards for about half the cost of your fines. That's where the 'honor among thieves' part comes in. Friends stick together, and help each other out.  

Rank and Renown

    As you gain renown with the Thieves Guild, you will be rewarded with missions of greater importance and difficulty. To advance through the ranks, you must meet the requirements. Some chapters measure your worth in gold stolen and property sold to the guild fences. Regardless, the Doyen or Guildmaster determine those conditions. Each time you rise in rank, you are given more important jobs that are more difficult, but they are also more rewarding.  

Thieves Guild Spells

  Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Night Magic class feature For you, the spells on the Thieves Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)
Spell Level Spell 1 Spell 2
Cantrip Mage Hand Message
Level 1 Disguise Self Feather Fall
Level 2 Blindness/Deafness Silence
Level 3 Nondetection Sending
Level 4 Arcane Eye Dimension Door
Level 5 Mislead Modify Memory

Rank 1: Schemer

Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher with the Thieves Guild   The guild takes care of its own. When you have proven yourself to be an asset to the guild, you are given the title of schemer. You call a particular safe house home where you can sell stolen merchandise to a fence and have confidential meetings with the Doyen. You gain access to general supplies and services that you can buy, depending on the type of safehouse you’ve claimed. This could be a standard general store, armory, or apothecary, where you will have ample access to general goods, weaponry, or potions. This could also be a tavern or inn. Regardless, the goods and services offered here are sold to you at a 10% discount.  

Rank 2: Spymaster

Prerequisite: Rank 1 and Renown 10 or higher with the Thieves Guild You have emptied many pockets, safes, and purses, to the point where you see most petty missions as child’s play. You have learned how to pay attention to subtle hints and clues, which gives you insight into the world around you. This heightened awareness has granted you the title of spymaster. By getting to this rank, you’ve uncovered a few secrets, with one important secret in particular. Work with your GM to determine what that secret is. The secret typically involves an influential person or organization. Perhaps regarding a hidden past or potential future. You should determine the general source or type of secret, but the GM ultimately decides the details.
Guild, Thieves

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