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Alesis Currahallis

Currently serving as ship's mage on the Blade of Aventador under Kazan the Hunter.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Race: High Elf
Class & Level: Wizard 9 (Conjurer)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
ABILITY SCORES & ABILITIES (* includes +4 proficiency bonus; ** includes expertise, if any)
Strength 10
Dexterity 15
+2 ... Dexterity Ability Checks +2 ... Dexterity Saving Throws +2 ... Acrobatics Skill +2 ... Sleight of Hand Skill +2 ... Stealth Skill
Constitution 14
+2 ... Constitution Ability Checks +2 ... Constitution Saving Throws
  Intelligence 16
+3 ... Intelligence Ability Checks +7 ... Intelligence Saving Throws * +7 ... Arcana Skill * +7 ... History Skill * +3 ... Investigation Skill +3 ... Nature Skill +7 ... Religion Skill *
  Wisdom 12
+1 ... Wisdom Ability Checks +5 ... Wisdom Saving Throws *  
  Charisma 8
COMBAT [PHB p. 189]
15 ... Passive Perception
+2 ... Initiative Modifier
  Armor Class 12 ... Armor worn: none
    56 hit points ... 9d6 Hit Dice
    Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+0 bludgeoning damage. (If used two-handed in melee, does 1d8+0 damage.)
    Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. 1d4+2 piercing damage. (If thrown, normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.)
    Ray Of Frost Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, targets one creature or object within 60 ft. range. Hit: 2d8 cold damage and target's speed reduced by 10 feet for one round.
  • Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Celestial, Infernal     High Elf Traits [PHB p. 23]
  • Age: 298 years old   • Darkvision (60 feet)   • Fey Ancestry (vs. charm, no sleep)   • Elf Weapon Training (swords, bows)   • Keen Senses (Perception)   • Trance (4 hrs. as 8 hrs. sleep)   • Cantrip (Light)
    Wizard Class Features [PHB p. 112]
  • Ritual Casting   • Arcane Recovery (regain spell slots totalling 5 levels after short rest once per day)   • Conjuration Savant (copy such spells in half the time)   • Minor Conjuration (create an object that lasts one hour)   • Benign Transposition (teleport 30 feet or swap places with another within 30 feet)     Spellcasting [PHB p. 201]
Spell Attack Modifier +7
Spell Save DC 15
Cantrips Known: Friends, Light, Minor Illusion, Ray of Frost, True Strike
Prepared Spells
1st Level (4 slots): Mage Armor, Find Familiar, Grease, Detect Magic, Charm Person
  2nd Level (3 slots): Cloud of Daggers, Invisibility
  3rd Level (3 slots): Sleet Storm
  4th Level (3 slots): Conjure Minor Elementals, Evard's Black Tentacles, Confusion
  5th Level (1 slot): Conjure Elemental
    EQUIPMENT & TREASURE     Carried Gear (PHB, p. 143): two (2) daggers, quarterstaff, set of common clothes, holy symbol: amulet, prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments. (This load is about 10 lbs.; add 1 lb. per 50 coins carried.)     Coins & Gems: 711 gold pieces (gp 2 silver pieces (sp 79 copper pieces (cp 3 gems (worth 100 gp each)
Currently Boarded Vehicle


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