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Ashe C2 Episode 80 - The Weave Abandons and Escaping Stoneport

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow...
Beginning the day in the common room of the Nallix Taile and Ale tavern you had a decision to make.  Looking to obtain the small statue that may be Lord Darkhorse's phylactery, you needed to entreat with the Great Dragon Vom Fass.  You could make your way into the Underwharf and ask the Great Dragon himself for aid or accept the help of an Illithid promising you an easier way.  Strike the Crystal in the center of the tavern with a special shard and disrupt all magic for one hour, allowing you to take the statue easily. 
After some debate you decided to ask Vom Fass directly.  Following the strange gnome museum docent, Bierkrug Aleslosh, into the underwharf you made your way to the museum.  En route you were accosted by an uppity minister of the interior accompanied by a guard and a member of the Assembly of the Weave.  He demanded that you pay a fine for your airship violations. 
After some strong language on both sides Bierkrug had had enough.  Attempting a polymorph spell on the minister, the assembly wizard counterspelled.  Bierkrug countered the counterspell and reset the polymorph.  He was shocked to find that the man didn't change.  A strangely powerful blocking force prevented it.  Bierkrug then used wall of force to make an escape.  The wizard named Gerhard Maxim responded with a fireball escalating things.  The team responded with a fireball of their own, both blasts resulting in some civilian deaths.  Rango having PTSD from events such as this attacked the wizard and minister more directly and with the help of Remy and Crashe the minister and the wizard lay dead.  The city guardsman ensorceled and mind controlled.  The team fled into the Underwharf to escape the situation.
In the Underwharf you made your way into the great Vom Fass Museum of Antiquities. Once inside you marveled at the incredible array of artifacts on display in the opulent museum.  Bierkrug left to find Vom Fass himself.  After a few moments a man arrived dressed in wizard robes and with a kindly face.  You explained your circumstances and the great need to find the Phylactery.  Noting that the safety of the entire world was at stake.  
Vom Fass, being familiar with your plight from contending with a similar situation several years ago, decided to hand over the statue.  In return he demanded that you get him that special shard that the illithid was offering. In return for that Virgil Capsaicin demanded that he be returned to human form.  As the deal was being finalized the ground began to quake. 
A massive black spider and several dangerous drow erupted from the floor and attacked.  They wielded poisons and shadow magic.  Battle was joined and the drow seemed to have the upper hand in that first moment.  The tide quickly turned however as the might of Vom Fass and your own incredible powers hit the Drow. 
Mausim used gust of wind to repel a drow soldier into the chasm, Nuth exploded with magic missiles and a steel wind strike, and Remy conjured forth a Vrock demon.  Sybill burned the Drow Priestess' neck with a strange bubble of fire and arcane energy and Rango zipped in between the Drow rocking them with powerful sword strikes.  Vom Fass exploded a powerful sunburst in the center of the room blinding the drow and burning their skin. 
As the battle was almost wrapping up in your favor a strange wave of energy passed through you.  A sensation like getting the wind knocked out of you passed through your bodies in an instant.  All magical energies in the room ceased and at that moment you realized someone had struck the crystal...

Plot points/Scenes

New Battle! More Drow soldiers and no magic for one hour. Describe the wave as it hits the team to begin. Reminder that the Vrock demon is now no longer under the control of Wes let's also get rid of the duration it is now trapped on the material plane and angry.
Need something to neutralize Vom Fass' dragon abilties. He is now a dragon without spellcasting. Still very dangerous.
Next they have to make their way out of the city with the statue and without getting arrested! All wanted for murder and now they have really pissed off the Assembly of the Weave.
Use the Arcane Focus to cast spells.  The Players can use their bonus action to pass the focus along to someone else to cast.  Everyone must make a Wisdom saving throw DC16 to use it.  On a success they push away the dark thoughts gnawing at their minds.  The Arcane Focus is corrupted by the Dark One and he can speak through it.  He can either cloud their minds and change a spell target or he can try to charm a player into being sympathetic to Lord Darkhorse.


The Vom Fass Museum of Antiquities

As you descend the grand staircase onto the floor of the museum you are stunned by it's grandeur. It opens into a large room with a domed ceiling that is decorated with thousands of geometric shapes set in incredibly intricate patterns all in gold and silver. Beyond the main room are dozens of chambers each with meticulously placed items on shelves and chests down below.
The chests are from all over the world all decorated in different color ways and styles from their various places of origin. In yet more cases and displays are all manner of items from gems to gloves to weapons. Each labeled with plaques in though the language is not common.
[DM Note: Allow Dave to tell us what language the plaques are read in. Also he can determine the traps and alarms that guard these incredible displays. If anyone attempts to steal or touch any of the items he can determine the penalty.] Items in the collection are:
  • The Gem of Amara
  • Darothus Glove
  • Dragon Scale Mail
  • Bracers of Illusion
  • Canaith Mandolin
  • Cloak of the Mimic
  • Cloak of Invisibility
  • Exlposive Pot
  • H'reth Cloak of Shielding
  • Iron Bands of Cyttorak
  • Anti Magic Manacles
  • PACT item Bracer of Mapping
  • The Rook's Eye
  • Skyglider shield
  • Vaconto's Icosahedron
  • Blade of BUTLR
  • Glaive of the Forest Guardian
  • Mirrorlight Stinger Bow
  • Pentathet's Hammer (replica)
  • The Black Jack Hammer
  • The Wren and The Nightingale Daggers
Current Date : The Year SF3, 3029 the month of Archolos (August)
Crew of the Prometheus:
  • Navigator - Mevi Flashfoot, halfling woman
  • Pilot - Mike's Character Halo, Half elven man with the mark of the Dragon.
  • Cook - Pelly Portnut, half orc man with a large belly and a topknot of black hair.
  • Engineer - Gnome man by the name of Zumf "Tumtum" Brushnickel
  • Assistant engineer - Firbolg woman named Sippi Cashelhorne
  • Squabbie - Halfling man by the name of Nock "Gaffer" Littlefoot. recruited
  • Ground Crew - Alexi Brighthammer, Dwarven artificer *Note still technically employed by Anak Kovara
  • Ground Crew - Casilium Bex - Half elven woman with a half shaved head.
Plot type
Main Story
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