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Bullywug Traits:
Ability Score increases.-  Your Constitution score is increases by 2 and your dexterity score by 1

Age. A bullywug reaches adulthood fairly quickly, after about 10 years and can manage to live to old age at 50 – 60 years.
  Size. Standing at 4 and a half feet to 5 and a half feet tall, your size is medium.
Alignment. Most Bullywugs are cruel and cunning. They lean towards neutral evil. Player character Saurials may be of any alignment.
Amphibious. You can breathe air as well as water.
  Speak with toads and frogs. You can communicate simple concepts to frogs and toads of any size when speaking in Bullywug.
  Swamp Camoflage. You have advantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks made in swampy terrain.5th edition Standing leap. When making an athletics check to make a jump add 20 feet to the distance jumped for a long jump. Add 10 feet to the distance jumped when making a high jump.
  Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Bullywug.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Bullywugs are nasty tempered humanoid frogs with a serious inferiority complex. As Amphibians, they must remain constantly wet, or at the very least moist.
A Typical Bullywug stands about four and a half feet tall and weighs in a around a hundred pounds, as mentioned, they are froglike in appearance. Bullywugs have enormous variety in their skin coloration, with greens, browns, greys, and mottled yellows. Their color scheme tends to match the area, swamp, or marsh in which they live and contributes to their ‘Swamp Camouflage’ ability. Bullywugs never stop growing and much larger, stronger, and more vicious Bullywugs are known to occur. These Bullywugs fancy themselves as the Aristocrats or even the Royalty of their swamp.
Bullywugs have an Aristocracy of sorts and believe themselves to be the true and rightful rulers of the swamp in which they reside. They are extremely sensitive to sarcasm or criticism of this belief and will become justifiably angry and any who do not show their status proper deference.
  If an opportunity to converse with a Bullywug arises, especially a Bullywug leader, they will introduce themselves with a very grand sounding title and frankly they will always ‘one up’ any title possessed by the person with whom they are conversing. It is possible to negotiate with a Bullywug, they are fickle and evil, but usually keep their word, at least until tomorrow.

Civilization and Culture


Bullywugs will usually be made aware of anyone invading their lair by their amphibian allies. This gives them the observe and set up an ambush ahead of the invaders.
Utilizing their stealth skill, in combination with their swamp camouflage, they can lay in wait for their enemies to approach and then attack from hiding. If they can find sufficient water, they will hide underwater. This action applies DISADVANTAGE to active perception checks or a -5 to passive perception checks.
  Whenever possible, the Bullywugs will have some trained Giant Frog allies available to assist them.
  An ideal ambush spot, to a Bullywug, would be an area awash with at least a foot of water, the muddier the better, with a reasonably clear overhead for jumping, and deeper water nearby for them to make their initial rush from or to jump into and allow them to swim away utilizing their swimming speed.
  If a Bullywug can arrange for the combat to be in water at least three feet deep, Difficult terrain will apply to almost everyone not specifically trained or magically enhanced for swampy terrain. This specific instance trumps most of the general ‘immune to difficult terrain’ abilities possessed by some characters; these would have to be considered by the DM on a case by case basis.
  Because Bullywugs are only four and a half feet tall, being IN WATER provides them with cover (and concealment) for stealth checks. I would rule that two feet of water is half-cover (+2 to AC) and three feet of water is three-quarters cover (+5 to AC). A completely submerged Bullywug has the benefits of total cover. (see PHB page 196)
  Step 3) Determine Tactics Bullywugs will make their initial attack from hiding, using their LEAP to quickly close the distance between them and their opponents. This tactic grants them ADVANTAGE on their initial to hit rolls if successful.   Bullywugs arm themselves with spears and shields, despite the illustration, I think that multi-tined hunting spears would be much more likely and hard spear tips. While it is not so stated, I see no reason that a Bullywug would not choose to use poison if it had the opportunity to procure it.   While I personally do not agree with Bullywugs utilizing shields except as a lair or situational action, if you do allow them the shield, feel free to give them a bonus action attack with the shield.   Bullywugs have multi-attack, one spear and one bite attack per action. I’ve already stated that I believe they would use a frog spear or mini trident for the spear attack. I find the idea of a bite attack a little “weird” for a humanoid. I would define their bite as a Tongue Slap, strong enough to hit and daze some small creatures, but for humanoids it’s a club.


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