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C2 Upcoming Second Half of 24

Main Story Current Missions

City of Warshaw -
Now under the control of Lord Darkhorse, he rules with an iron fist. He uses the castle and it's facilities to create more weapons for the Dark One. He has a mysterious energy sapping fog in the forests surrounding the city and his mutants now are being bred in the Great Dead Tree not far away. In his mind he is winning the ground war for his lord and master. He still wants to reacquire the Aracane focus and create his own shatterfall.
(reminder: the arcane focus survives and is now in the hands of Anak Kovara).
He also has Bella Caix prisoner in the vault under the castle. He is using her immortality to torture her in excruciating ways. He is convinced that she has broken her vow to the dark one and no longer serves their master.
Cog and the Dreiduaras Dome -
Hidden away in the subterrean dwarven fabrication rooms deep under the dome, he has sealed himself down there to complete his work. He has found a way to enter the Dark One's domain and take the fight to the Dark One himself.
He needs to assemble a team of heroes, especially those that are reincarnated heroes of old. The Knight of the Deadrose is Aramis, Mausim is Encealadus, Crashe is Rivendrias. Who are the other four?
Use the Thoris Megalith to enter the Dark One's Domain, just like cog's original team did a century ago. Reference the original one shot that featured the veldakin wizard and Battle Beast. This was a battle for the soul of the woman who became Uncanny Sorrow. The wizard succeeded in saving her but sacrificed his team to the Dark One to do it. This battle is what created the first crack in the Dark One's prison.
  The Ashen Forest War -
The lifeseed orb The Ashen forest is still on the brink of war. The Kormirra Sisters, The Manticore King, and the green dragon Kestlerender all still vie for the lifeseed orb. An ancient artifact that allows someone to control all living things in the Ashen forest. All factions still believe that Wes is the key to finding it due to his fey touch and his abiliity to teleport.
The Great Dead Tree -
Now houses a creche for Darkhorse's new Krullocs. These new mutants have bat-like wings and sonic attacks. He is also developing more of his Dark One's Elixir. A black oily substance that can be used to control minds and turn people into mindless undead killing machines. He intends to infect all the cities in the Eigerlands to earn the Dark One's favor.
The Ashen Forest War
The kormirra sisters still hunt for Wes and are convinced that he knows where the orb is and that it is hidden somewhere in between the fey realm and our own. The Kormirra sisters are a hag coven that want to control all of the Ashen Forest and rule it like queens. Their real goal is to open a gateway from the fey realm and allow the fey to consume Tanaheim and rewrite it in some kind of Fey Genesis device.
The Manticore King - Wants to obtain the orb and use it to defeat the Kormirra sisters and the Green Dragon. He realizes how dangerous it is however and pledges to then send the orb into the astral sea or anywhere it can't be used again. He has sworn Finn and Mausim to service when the time comes.
Kestlerender the Ominuous - A fearsome green dragon who wants the orb to raise an army to take over Tanaheim. His goals are lofty and only world domination will suffice. Still a fairly young dragon he thinks that doing this will finally show up his father. He often walks amongst the forest and the town of Ashe as an elven man named Vickander Kent.
  Stoneport and Lord Darkhorse's Phylactery-
  Based on Virgil Capsaicin's information the strange arcane focus statue that he was trying to steal all those years ago is indeed the phylactery. It is in the great Dragon Vom Fass' horde in the Underwharf below Stoneport. It was stolen from Dalemoor Castle several years ago. Of course convincing Vom Fass to part with a powerful arcane focus is a daunting task.
Helletowne - If the characters decide to hunt down Wes' doppelganger they will travel to the city of Helletowne. There Nuth and Demaia will be met by their investigating officer from Stoneport who assigned them this case in the first place. A Dwarven man by the name of Ulix Trant. He demands to know what they have been doing for the last month.
The over arching conspiracy will be that Lord Vedemire Darkhorse has been creating Nachahmen (Tannelmimics) througout the government of Helletowne.
Corvaroth Heth has been replaced by a Nachaman.
Air Genasi woman is the head of Presarvarius University - She was killed by the Wes Mimic and has been replaced.
Prime Minister Quentin Fleck of House Durrilan - Human man in his 50's
One of the three Primes that run the government. Has been replaced by a Nachaman. He was killed a week ago by the Wes mimic. Now his replacement has decided to seize power and kill the other two primes. Once he has seized power he will take orders from Lord Darkhorse himself.
House Durrilan has been the controlling House in Helletowne for the last 25 years. Before that was House Quail who ruled here for three centuries. The remaining members of House Quail with any power may be more than happy to help the team if it means they regain control.
Minister of Police Lorcan Fouche - A human man who works for the Prime Minister directly as a spymaster and spycatcher. he has been replaced by a Nachaman and killed. The City will be in great danger and the team will be hunted by Darkhorse controlled mercenaries who are Darkfriends.
On top of that the Assembly of the Weave is very active in the city and will look to recruit Nuth and have him turn over his compatriots for using unclean magicks. Even the druid Demaia.
The Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars - It is controlled by the vampire queen Mewtoolian Moon. Though she thinks she is in control and doing this of her own free will, the truth is that it is all a set up by Chaelith Kazarra the Bloodclaw. The Lamia Fallen now unleashes her undead hordes on the rest of Ventenheim.

Plot points/Scenes

Heroes of the second age

Encealadus Calwyn /now reincarnated as Mausim
In the second age Encealadus led the human armies as the main field marshal in the Great Human/Elven wars.  The war raged on for years leading to a catastrophic death toll.  This death and destruction led to a powerful lich, named Aer'Chabadzael, drawing ever more power from the conflict becoming the Dark One.  Calwyn realized the truth too late but he still rallied the great heroes of the second age to fight the new menace.  They almost succeeded but the Lich escaped only to be trapped into his Dark Domain.  
Verilius Treta Rivendrias / now reincarnated as Crashe Spritzer
Leader of the elven forces he fought against Calwyn for years. Eventually both of the generals began to meet in secret and they teamed up with other great warriors who had taken up arms against the Dark One.
  Shaanth'Ah Kubrickar - 
A great Half-orc hero of the second age. A barbarian.
The Orcs and Half-orcs of this time were relegated to the sidelines, their food stores and land pillaged by the massive armies that did battle all througout the Eigerlands. Shaanth'Ah began to lead a guerilla force against both sides trying to keep her people alive. She was one of the first to bear witness to a zombie horde gathering, the horde tore through one of her villages and all were lost.   The Artful Badger -
A tiefling woman who was a famous rogue in the second age.
Her real name was Kelindria Redfern, and she used the conflict to steal from kings and queens of both sides of the war. She was often hired by one side or the other to reclaim artifacts or powerful magic weapons. She was said to be the best, but she abruptly stopped answering their calls. She began a mission of revenge when her wife and family were torn apart by revenants sent by the Dark One. The revenants were sent to claim a necklace with a pendant. The Pendant of Chrovath. It has the power to summon a Kaiju size demon onto the material plane.   Estellevan Rez'Doh Goldscale -
A female dragon born Cleric of Kurramira The Bronze.
Sent forth by the leaders of Dragon Mouth to warn of the coming of the Dark One. She was instrumental in gathering the heroes together despite the war and to hold fast against the Dark One. She eventually sacrificed herself during the ritual that created the Dark One's Prison.   Acer Alderleaf Greenshanks - Now reincarnated as Thurlis Stem
A famous Green elven Ranger from the second age.
This Green Elven man became the champion of the Green Elves when he fought against conscription into the Human Elven wars. His people were being impressed into service even though they had sworn to remain neutral. He helped to create a rebellion against the Elven monarchies despite the risk to his family and home. He was recruited by Rivendrias when they realized that the dead were rising from the battlefields.
  Roaritun "Firehoof" Ebonclad
A famous mage of the second age. He was a fire genasi wizard whose power rivaled that of the Fallen. Ebonclad was one of the most powerful wizards of the second age. He and his mages guild stayed neutral during the conflict. When they detected the explosion of necrotic magic that was being wielded, Ebonclad headed to the Eigerlands.
Though he joined with the heroes many historians claim that he did so out of ego and not altruism. He refused to let a lich be more powerful than himself and he tried to destroy the Dark One. Instead of admitting his failure he designed the prison and the seals so that he could train up for a round 2. It is quite possible that his need to prove himself stronger than the Dark One forced Goldscale to sacrifice herself to complete the ritual.
Aramis D'Artagnan
The Knight of the Dead Rose is a cursed hero of the second age. His real name was Aramis D'Artagnan the Swift. He was a friend and swordbrother of Encealadus Calwyn. They fought in the Human Elven wars and both of them realized the true threat of the Dark One too late.
  Aramis was defeated by Vernabogge and Electra at some point before or during the shatterfall of that era. Concurrently during the shatterfall was when the Dark One was imprisoned. Using the incredible power surge of the weave during that event a group of wizards (the precursor to the Assembly of the Weave) created the seals and banished the Dark One into a dark domain of his own.
  To save the life of Aramis a sorceror polymorphed him into something small. A wild magic surge turned the spell into true polymorph and changed him into the miniscule Knight of the Deadrose. This also gave him a measure of immortality but also took away his ability to speak. His sword skills and mind remained the same however, just much diminished in size.


The Fallen, Seven Servants of the Dark One

Lord Vedemire Darkhorse -  A half elven man from the Second age who studied Necromancy. In the first half of his life he earned a fortune in building prisons and profiting off of law enforcement. It is said that he became obsessed with the Dark One and pledged himself in the later years of his life. The dark one cured his fatal cancer and gave him immortality. Since then Lord Darkhorse has been looking for ways to free the Dark One from his prison to be granted more power and rule by the Dark One's Side.
In the last year he was killed by Finn, Mausim, and Crashe with help from Thurlis Stem and the Daughters of Light.  He reconstituted a couple of months later and tracked the team to Warshaw.  Before he could harm them there they had already headed to Copenhaus.  He waited until he was at full strength and the team came back to Warshaw to save the princess.  He helped the Crown smashers build their bomb that destroyed the bridge. 
He hoped to kill some of the team with it but instead watched as half of them portalled away and the rest boarded a ship.  It was then that he found Bella Caix and her plot to take over the royal family of Wardashaw.  She was on the verge of installing her puppet king, the prince, on the throne when Darkhorse captured her.  He took over the city instead and trapped Bella in the vaults underneath.  Now she is pinned to a vault wall with adamantine spikes.  Her immortality forcing her to survive this wicked torture. Darkhorse accuses her of breaking her vow to help the Dark One return to the material plane.
Bella Caix La'Couer -
Known to the team as Kirana Castaliogne or Recelia Serise, she now is trapped in the vaults of Warshaw.  Tortured by Lord Darkhorse for betraying the Dark One. 
Chaelith Kazarra The Bloodclaw -
A hyperintelligent Lamia who has claimed dominion over Ventenheim. Starting in the second age when the Elven Human wars were in full swing there was a secondary conflict in Ventenheim. Dwarf Clans and Elven nation states had enslaved Dozens of races to work in plantations. Plants that could be distilled down into sugar and alcohol needed to be harvested for Cities in Tellenheim. Mineral rich mines needed to be worked in the mountain region to be brought back to the Ulirre Valley and Urgolos. This was an age of Colonization and trade amongst the Elves, humans, and dwarves. Other races were looked down upon and treated as cheap labor.
In the great desert in central Ventenheim a Lamia grew angry. She made it her mission to rid the continent of the rapacious races. She even took it so far as to make a deal with the devil, the Dark One himself. She demanded immortality and found it in the dark recesses underneath the hot sands. The Dark One reached out and gained a new disciple.
Many stories tell of her victories in the second age. She did indeed lead forces in successful battles against powerful dwarven and elven forces. There are still villages and towns populated by Catfolk and minotaur who treat her as a hero. The truth is that many of her victories were pyrrhic. She would destroy any creatures in her path, destroy any town, kill any civilians if it got her what she wanted.
Now she has begun to assemble an army of undead.  She is stronger than ever now that the Dark One is breaking free.  She recently completed a plot to infect the Queen of the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars with vampirism.  It worked and now the city of the Great Salt Steppe is almost completely under thrall of her new vampires.  It seemed that her only real threat was the cult known as the Abyssal Knife, they raised a great kaiju sized demon to vanquish her.  Instead it was defeated by Oppapan and the strangers who summoned it. 
Vernabogge - 
The powerful warlord was defeated by our brave party and his phylactery destroyed!  He is no more...
Malloridin -
The evil dragon who had pledged herself to the Dark One was defeated by Wes' team.  Her phylactery destroyed she is no more...
Electra the Unseen - 
Early in the Second Age a human woman named Eltarai Kezira began to study magic in the ancient city of Thoris. It was here that she was struck by an errant wild magic surge that altered her body. It changed her skin to a deep purple and enhanced her magical abilities but also created a cancer inside of her. Her new abilities were also killing her as it began to draw power from her very cells.
Using healing potions and healing magic she kept herself alive for several years and begged the magic academy to help her. She rightfully accused them of causing the accident and demanded that they be the ones to fix her condition. The Academy began to refuse her aid, arguing that she had known what she was getting into. With this she grew angry and began to steal spell supplies and to attempt dangerous magical rituals to cure herself.
As the first of the Human Elven wars kicked off resources became scarce, especially the healing potions she was using to regenerate her cells. Her anger and frustration grew and she reached out to other patrons existing in the cosmos.
The gods refused her so she sought others still.
Eventually a being answered her, A creature feeding off of the new conflict. A being called Aer'Chabadzael. Throughout the second age her power grew and the infusion of the dark one's energies gave her an ability to absorb magical energies from others. It also created an addiction to the weave energies that were woven and channeled by magic users, sorcerors, bards, and even monks. She spent some of those centuries being hired by generals desperate enough to risk even their own forces to win key battles. These relationships always ended in disaster as Electra turned on them and let her addiction get the better of her.
After the third Human Elven War began to come to a close the Assembly of the Weave was created. An organization dedicated to policing the people capable of controlling the magical energies of the weave. Electra was quickly considered one of the most dangerous mortal entities walking the planet.
With the next shatterfall still a decade off the magical energies of everyone were in wane. Electra exacerbated this by feeding off of any powerful magic users still capable of casting spells. The Assembly got together and created the Sarcophagus of Electra. A trap powerful enough to encase her in a stasis field for millenia. It drew her in and created a strange feedback loop of her own parasitic powers once she was trapped inside. During it's creation Bella Caix La'Couer used her own devious powers to create a way to open the sarcophagus someday. She secretly built into it a passkey. If enough people were killed in the proximity of the box it would release Electra to once more walk the earth... 
That day happened when Bella tricked our team into the vaults of Warshaw with a promise of gold.  Though they indeed steal quite a bit of gold from the vaults they also unleased Electra from her prison!  She is now out in the world once more. 
  Inorr Auslav Rakovonarr - 
Auslav rules the entire area around Inorrauslav Fortress and is the main driver to free the Dark One from his prison. He now believes that it is the only to way to remove his curse of Vampirism while retaining his immortality. He also keeps the half elven woman Latepia frozen in a crystal and in stasis. When he succeeds in his goals he will be reunited with her and they will both live in peace forever.



Character Storylines

    Mausim -
The reincarnated Encealadus Calwyn, he now needs to face Calwyn himself and learn more about the struggle from the second age. Calwyn will inform him that he may have the soul of Calwyn but that does not protect him or even help him that much. Recently Charmayne Daedaulus used Mausim to steal the pendant of Chrovath. His presence opened Calwyn and his wife's tombs allowing Daedalus access to the necklace. She gave the power of the necklace to the abyssal knife to summon a great demon into being.
Finn -
Knows that Exatron Saul is still out there plotting revenge. Girlfriend is Genesee Red in Westinox. Needs to meet with Sava Cogson and Cog in the Dreiduaras Dome.
Wes -
Now reborn as a bugbear, his tattoos given him by the Kormirra sisters no longer function. His adopted father in the town of Ashe will be in constant danger if the war in the Ashen Forest erupts. What will be the consequences once the Kormirra Sisters realize he has switched bodies?
Archos -
Has now been fully infected by the Dark One. He has become one of the Fallen and will fight by the Dark One's side in the final battle.
Truffle -
Still dealing with East Tellenheim Company and the slaughter of many of her family. Captain Argus Middlefraugh and Captain Banastre Triskelion are the main architects of the genocide.
Kavax -
Has been chose by the god Blankalon to represent him in the upcoming battle with the Dark One and the Ashen Forest War. He does not care for the Verdant Sigil...
Nuth -
Is still tasked with bringing in the mass murderer Wes. He can look in Stoneport or Helletowne, both cities claim to have seen him recently in the last few weeks. The dangerous captain King Arric Lee still holds a grudge against him as well for putting Lee in jail a couple of years ago...
Damaia -
Has been selected by the Verdant Sigil to seek out the Purpleheart Medallion and become the Paragon of the indomitable Beast. The wearer of the talisman becomes the champion of the wildlife of Ventenheim. It is an honor and a sacred duty. It may lead her to face off against Kazarra the Bloodclaw and the undead army that now threatens the continent. She is still accompanied by her Verdant Sigil retainer Jeremy Arpeggio.
Halo -
Will be sought by the Lysander Elven Clan who trained him to be the fist pilot of the new airship. They now want him to bring the airship to them immediately. They answer to House Thelypteris of the city of Hala. If he doesn't do as he is told there will be consequences.
Crashe / Bon Vee -
Crashe is the reincarnated hero Verilius Treta Rivendrias. His strange merging with Bon Vee needs to be dealt with.
Corben Dallas -
The former Dusty Gorf has been given a new lease on life, but he has made a great enemy of Queen Mew of the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars. He may find vampires coming after him soon.
Faulkner -
Aasimar barbarian.

Side Characters

Anak Kovara -
Has the Arcane Focus and is now free from his imprisonment in Kovara Manor. What is he doing?
Vertagon Al'Reshi -
A brass Dragon of the Vellikis Desert of Venteneheim. He lives near the Misty City in an ancient Temple. Brass dragons love a good conversation and researching important people of all races. This dragon is writing a book on famous adventuring groups and would love to get some stories on a young team. "You are like a bud about to blossom, it is a very exciting time!"
Rega Ragnash / Stimpy -
Now follows the team hoping that they will lead him to his old enemies Adventure Team Grimm. He is watching Finn specifically who promised to take him to Cog when he scheduled the meeting. Though he will try to kill Vom Fass if they go to Stoneport.
Bella Caix La'Couer -
The Recelia Serise that the team saw in Westinox was a Natchaman, a clone of Bella. It will try to kill them if they track it down. Though Bella may be able to get a message to the team through the Natchaman if she is clever.
Bella/Recelia Nachaman -
The Nachaman will go under the new name of Veth Avoca. She will lead the players into a trap if possible.
Chaelith Kazarra The Bloodclaw -
In the process of raising an army of the undead to overwhelm Ventenheim. She is responsible for tricking Queen Mew into becoming a vampire.
Dark Wes -
Wes has been copied and his memories replicated in this Nachaman/Tannelmimic. It has yet to be found and is going to continue it's murderous spree throughout the Eigerlands.
  [the doppleganger's true name is Veluchrus Chrid, they are sexless and genderless and was created by Lord Darkhorse.]
They murder people and pose the bodies in obscene ways. Their Modus Operandi is flaying the skin of the torso open and leaving the organs intact but visible. They also leave a light arrow that is shoved through the oral cavity into the brain that gives the corpse an eerie glowing light from the eyes. Authorities call them the Ripper Raven due to the raven like mask he wears, identical to the one that Wes has. They makes sure that someone spots him near the crime scene.
  • The man known as Wes, a Ranger of the Ashen Forest
  • Known murderer and larcenous thief.
  • Accused of seven brutal slashings in the City of Stoneport. (The light arrow killings)
  • Accused of the murder of Baron Harken Quail of Allachi. Hung by the neck at the city square.
  • Accused of brutally slaying the lower minister of Hellenox, Reccip Nuxhall and his wife. Run through with a broadsword.
  • Accused of theft of several thousand gold worth of jewels and equipment from the city of Stoneport.
  • Accused of Grand Larceny in the city of Helletowne, including several trained horses.
    Now he is building a trap for the team in either Helletowne or Stoneport. He is filling a mansion or a church with several devious traps. He will use his own archery skills to destroy them while they figure out how to escape the killbox.

Exatron Saul - Is building himself new legs and recuperating. He is planning his revenge on Finn. He may take a meeting with Rega Ragnash who also wants to find Finn. It's possible these two may put together a plan to kill Finn and Mausim and imprison the two warforged...
Virgil Capsaicin -
Is convinced that the strange statue he was trying to steal in Dalemoor Castle is indeed Lord Darkhorse's Phylactery.
Willwug Leafside -
A member of the Verdant Sigil, he is keeping an eye on the Ashen Forest War.   Genesee Red -
Erstwhile girlfriend of Finn, she is recovering in Westinox from the Dark One's Elixir.
Natali Irkinthand -
A former mercenary turned by Crashe Spritzer.  Currently Crashe and she are in a relationship and rent a room together in Westinox.
    Sava Cogson -
Awaits Finn to pick him up. He will lead the team to the Dreiduaras Dome and his father Cog.     The Knight of the Deadrose-
The Knight of the Dead Rose is a cursed hero of the second age. His real name was Aramis D'Artagnan the Swift. He was a friend and swordbrother of Encealadus Calwyn. They fought in the Human Elven wars and both of them realized the true threat of the Dark One too late.
The Manticore King -
Will remind Finn and Mausim that they swore allegiance to him last year. That oath is honorbound and must be upheld.
Thurlis Stem -
Still recovering from his injuries last year, he is just about full strength. He is ready to pick up his bow again and go rangering. His last few months have been very strange as he has begun to talk to the voice in his head. A Voice that claims to be Acer Greenshanks...
Trick Redfern -
Last time they saw him they had rescued Trick and Archos from a White dragon near the mountain pass town of Rollus. He said his thanks to his old friend Mausim and went on his way. What has he been doing since then?
San Cisco Adventuring Team -
  • Atullah San -Male Fire Genasi fighter
  • Cisco Kwellian - Human man, fighter
  • Mad Maddeline - A human woman, fighter, who looks like a young susan sarandon
  • Flower on Rock - A black and orange tabaxi man who is a rogue
  • Ristellius - a goblin sorceror


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