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Captain Oghuz Orrimar

Oghuz Orrimar has been a captain affiliated with the Ebon Fin Corsairs for two decades.  Unbeknownst by the rest of the organization he has fallen under the spell of the dangerous demigod known as Malloracanth.  He and his crew have been devoting all their energies to pleasing her.  Multiple murders and torture committed throughout the Wyvern sea have garnered them a fierce reputation and the favor of the dark patron.  Oghuz himself is the leader and head warlock of the pirate ship known as the Red Eagle.   He manifests his Imp Familiar as well during battle. 
Allardice the Imp : AC13. HP 15  Fly / Sting / Invisiblity/ See imp stats on Roll20

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Race: Human Class & Level: Warlock 8 (Fiendish Pact) Background: Pirate Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Strength 11
Dexterity 15 +2 ... Dexterity Ability Checks
Constitution 14 +2 ... Constitution Ability Checks +2 ... Constitution Saving Throws
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 13 +1 ... Wisdom Ability Checks +4 ... Wisdom Saving Throws
Charisma 20 +5 ... Charisma Ability Checks +8 ... Charisma Saving Throws * +5 ... Deception Skill +5 ... Intimidation Skill +5 ... Performance Skill +5 ... Persuasion Skill
14 ... Passive Perception +2 ... Initiative Modifier
Armor Class 13 ... Armor worn: leather armor
59 hit points
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. 1d4+2 piercing damage. (If thrown, normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.) Dagger (offhand as bonus action). As above but only 1d4 piercing damage.
Eldritch Blast Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, target one creature within 120 ft. range. Hit: 1d10+5 force damage with 2 beam(s). (If more than one beam, blast can be used as multiple beams of 1d10+5, each with separate attack roll to hit as one attack action.)
Warlock Class Features [PHB p. 106] • Otherworldly Patron Malloracanth • Pact Magic (all cast as 4th level spells, regain spell slots after short or long rest)
• Dark One's Blessing
• Pact Boon (Pact Of The Chain, gain a fiendish imp [MM p. 74] as your familiar)
• Misty Escape (invisible teleport 60 feet)
Eldritch Invocations [PHB p. 110]
• Agonizing Blast (increased Eldritch Blast damage)
• Voice of the Chain Master (telepathy, senses and speech through familiar)
• One With Shadows (in dim light or darkness, become invisible as action)
• Sculptor of Flesh (polymorph for spell slot once betw. long rests)
Spell Attack Modifier +8
Spell Save DC 16
Cantrips Known: Blade Ward, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand
Known Spells (2 spell slots)
Charm Person, Counterspell, Crown Of Madness, Dimension Door, Dispel Magic, Fly, Hex, Mirror Image, Witch Bolt
EQUIPMENT & TREASURE Carried Gear (PHB, p. 143): leather armor (AC 11), two (2) daggers, light crossbow and 20 bolts, belt pouch, set of common clothes, rope (silk, 50 feet), belaying pin (club), a non-magical lucky charm. (This load is about 35 lbs.; add 1 lb. per 50 coins carried.) Magic Items (DMG p. 135) • scroll of protection from fey • potion of supreme healing (10d4+20 hp) • potion of superior healing (8d4+8 hp) • 3 potions of healing (2d4+2 hp)   Coins & Gems: 737 gold pieces (gp 32 silver pieces (sp 28 copper pieces (cp 2 gems (worth 50 gp each)

Articles under Captain Oghuz Orrimar


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