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Telkir Alectur

Telkir Race: High Elf Class & Level: Bard 1 Background: Acolyte Alignment: Lawful Good Experience: 0 xp   ABILITY SCORES & ABILITIES (* includes +2 proficiency bonus; ** includes expertise, if any)   Strength 8 -1 ... Strength Ability Checks -1 ... Strength Saving Throws -1 ... Athletics Skill 120 lbs. ... Maximum Carrying Capacity 240 lbs. ... Max. Push or Drag (Speed -5 ft.) 240 lbs. ... Maximum Lift   Dexterity 16 +3 ... Dexterity Ability Checks +5 ... Dexterity Saving Throws * +3 ... Acrobatics Skill +5 ... Sleight of Hand Skill * +5 ... Stealth Skill *   Constitution 13 +1 ... Constitution Ability Checks +1 ... Constitution Saving Throws   Intelligence 13 +1 ... Intelligence Ability Checks +1 ... Intelligence Saving Throws +1 ... Arcana Skill +3 ... History Skill * +1 ... Investigation Skill +1 ... Nature Skill +3 ... Religion Skill *   Wisdom 10 +0 ... Wisdom Ability Checks +0 ... Wisdom Saving Throws +0 ... Animal Handling Skill +2 ... Insight Skill * +0 ... Medicine Skill +2 ... Perception Skill * +0 ... Survival Skill   Charisma 15 +2 ... Charisma Ability Checks +4 ... Charisma Saving Throws * +2 ... Deception Skill +2 ... Intimidation Skill +2 ... Performance Skill +2 ... Persuasion Skill   COMBAT [PHB p. 189]   12 ... Passive Perception +3 ... Initiative Modifier   Armor Class 14 ... Armor worn: Leather armor   30 ft. Speed ... Base distance per move   9 hit points ... 1d8 Hit Dice   Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage.   Dagger (offhand, two-weapon fighting as bonus action). Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. 1d4 piercing damage. (If thrown, normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.)   Vicious Mockery Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack: Target within 60 feet that can hear you must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on next attack made before the end of its next turn. (No damage if made save.)   FEATURES, TRAITS, SPECIAL ABILITIES   Proficiencies & Languages • Proficiency Bonus: +2 • Armor: light armor • Weapons: simple weapons, hand crossbow, longbow, longsword, rapier, shortbow, shortsword • Tools: flute, lute, lyre (musical instruments) • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma • Skills: History, Insight, Perception, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth • Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant, Celestial   High Elf Traits [PHB p. 23] • Age: 34 years old • Medium Size (5' 7", 194 lbs.) • Darkvision (60 feet) • Fey Ancestry (vs. charm, no sleep) • Elf Weapon Training (swords, bows) • Keen Senses (Perception) • Trance (4 hrs. as 8 hrs. sleep) • Cantrip (Light)   Bard Class Features [PHB p. 41] • Ritual Casting • Bardic Inspiration (d6) (2 uses per day)   Spellcasting [PHB p. 201] Spell Attack Modifier +4 Spell Save DC 12 Cantrips Known: Light, Prestidigitation, Vicious Mockery   Prepared Spells 1st Level (2 slots): Detect Magic, Cure Wounds, Charm Person   Acolyte Features [PHB p. 127] • Shelter of the Faithful   EQUIPMENT & TREASURE   Carried Gear: leather armor (AC 11), shortsword, dagger, entertainer's pack (includes a backpack, a bedroll, 2 costumes, 5 candles, 5 days of rations, a waterskin, and a disguise kit), set of common clothes, holy symbol: amulet, prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments   Coins & Gems: 10 gold pieces (gp 38 silver pieces (sp 37 copper pieces (cp 3 gems (worth 10 gp each)
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