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The upside Down Room (Dark Carnival)

Investigation check DC 16 - A pattern is laid out on the floor made of light wooden pieces. The pattern matches a painting on the wall hanging above amidst the upside down room clutter. One piece is out of position, and once fixed to match the painting the gravity switches and the players fall to the ceiling which is now the upside down room turned right side up. A marionette sits in an alcove on the far side of this room. The room is filled with wooden sculptures, toys and dolls. Lots of carpenters tools and sawdust. The marionette begins to speak in creepy stilted phrases and words. Eventually thin cables shoot from the ceiling towards a player and tries to poke into the flesh. If the Player fails his/her constitution and wisdom checks they lose control to the marionette who begins using the player to attack the other players. Con save of DC 17 and a WIS save of DC 18. Severing the cables frees the player but both players suffer 1d10 +4 psychic damage. A wisdom save avoids damage DC 16. The marionette holds a shard as it’s heart. The indigo shard for the Clock. The marionette can attempt to control up to two players and when the players turn on and attack the marionette it transforms into its monstrous form. Similar to the clockwork monster Dave used.   Start Here: You enter this room and you feel a lurch in your stomach. Turning around you see that the door is now gone and you are standing in an ornate room 80 foot long by 60 feet wide. High end furniture is assembled like a lord’s house, although the furniture looks a little out of date. The room has couches and chairs and ottoman’s throughout the floor not scattered but still full as if they were placed there by an interior decorator. There is a large painting on the opposite wall which depicts a room that looks almost exactly like the one you are standing in. On the wall to your right is a series of drawings and engravings depicting a marionette dancing. In an alcove that sits at eye level is a beautiful marionette dancer that looks to be like a human woman in a dancers outfit. On the wall to your left is a Credenza with fancy painted legs and filigree.  There are 2 sets of couches each with end tables and a low backed chair.  The green couches have a red low backed chair near them and the red couches have a green low backed chair near them.  So it’s a rectangular room with identical furniture on either side, a large painting of the room you are in on the far wall and a marionette wall on the right.  The left wall is just a fancy credenza and candle sconces and some benches up against the wall.  The walls are a dark green felt wallpaper with fancy person patterns going up and down them.  The ceiling is 20 feet high and the door to the room seems to be behind you but upside down and facing the ceiling.   Do a DC16 perception check [a success reveals that the marionette is now gone!] Attack the party soon thereafter.  An investigation check of DC 16 will allow the player to check out the painting and realize that the low backed chairs should match the couches.  Once these are moved into position the spell ends and the players drop to the floor.  Acrobatics/Athletics check of DC12 to avoid damage.

Purpose / Function

The Marionette - The Golem of possession - AC - 20/16. HP - 65 STR - 17. Dex 18 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 12 Cha 10   Damage immunities - Cold/Necrotic/Psychic Damage vulnerabilities - Fire and Electric 2X damage Condition immunities - Charm, sleep, frighten, paralyze, sleep, exhaustion   The marionette always starts as s two foot tall puppet creature that extends two filaments from it’s arms. It moves incredibly fast and it’s AC starts at 20. It attempts to take control of up to two creatures by firing it’s filaments as a dex attack +7 to hit. Players take 1d6 damage and roll a intelligence check DC16. A fail results in the marionette gaining control of the player for 6 rounds with a new check every round. After the marionette takes 10 points of damage it transforms into it’s secondary form. The puppet unfolds repeatedly until it stands seven foot tall and made of wood, metal, and fury. Two large claws with serrated edges protrude from it’s arms and 4 large spidery wooden legs allow it to move onto any surface. 2X claw attacks every round at +6 to hit. 1d8+2 damage. Every third round it can fire off a blast of psychic energy that will possess combatants for 6 rounds again. Same DC 16 intelligence check staves this off.
  • It also has a force blast it can use as it’s action that pushes everyone back 10 feet. DC 17 strength check to remain motionless. A one or a two on this roll knocks the player prone as well.
  • Type
    Room, Entertainment, Games court


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