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Tiny Town, Mr. Nyx

Tiny Town is the little village known as Oakwoode. It is a miniature town created to hold and torture vom Fass and Adventure Team Grimm. It is an entire self contained village complete with night and day cycles and entirely enclosed by a magical wall that surrounds it. All of the citizens are magical creations polymorphed down to one half inch tall humanoids. The players characters will have their thoughts and souls transmitted into their new tiny bodies by way of the Neural Phylactery situated in the old mill. Everything around them will be real inside the town, the river will have tiny fish that will react to tiny bait. The soil on the farms will create crops and even the cows will eat the grass just like normal. The Players will have new families and friends and jobs in the town. They will have none of their powers or skills that they normally have. With the exception of proficiencies or skill that come with their own dexterity or know how. Mew's sleight of hand will be weaker but still there due to her knowledge of thieves tools and experience. Karnak will still be good with animals even without his spells.

Activating the device in Tiny town - The device is behind a locked portal in the Mayor’s house. Deep in the sub basement under the wine cellar. Walking down the stairs thousands of cobwebs all over the ancient beams. Piles of dust and old grain covered in small spiders, old tools scattered within, jars and ceramics as well. At the far wall is a large wooden plank with a handle. This leads to another stone staircase going down. No dark vision here everyone needs lights. It’s pitch black. At the bottom is a metal wall with 4 keyholes in it. Each key hole is four feet apart in a big square with geometric symbols etched all around it. No one person can reach all of them at the same time. Once all four keys are turned it leads to device that is a big iron cube tipped on to one of it’s points. Four arm holes have handles down inside the device that must be pulled simultaneously or barbs lock the arm in place forever trapping the user. once the device is activated the souls and powers of the player will return but not their bodies. Each key corresponds to a symbol on the door. The symbol on the key is in the circular handle. The mayor has one, the miller has one Rolo Bearan, new antagonist Mercurio has one, the vehicle of Mr. Nyx. And Baker Lara Ingraham has one. She also bullies Karnac and Hops mercilessly and is a pretty good fighter too. The best way to determine all of this is to go to the big dance that night for the festival.


Magic is blasphemous in Oakwoode.  All crazy powers, magical, religious, or Druidic are treated as witchcraft or nonexistent. All normal townsfolk will look down upon any who bring them up as useful power.  Some will mutter that any who practice such things should be burned at the stake or put in the stocks.  In the woods and guarding the mayors mansion are classic DnD Imps.  These little fiends are shape changers and work for Nyx.  They often roam the tiny little village as foxes or honey badgers.  At night once in a while a player may see one in it’s true form.  They aren’t very smart but they are vicious.


Oakwoode has a mayor and a few town ministers. Mr Nyx: role plays as a tall human man that looks like Gaston from B&B. Tall blonde barrel chested big chin. Mercurio N’Hallan. He wanders about the town and all the townsfolk love him. Especially when he has mean things to say about olde Bindi. He will often bully the character players. One of the keys is around his neck. If anyone breaks into his room at night they would find Mercurio just sitting in a chair motionless. The body is just a vehicle for Nyx himself to torture everyone. It’s a great time to steal his key for the machine.

Industry & Trade

Shoppes, Traders, Craftspeople -
Old Bearan's Mill - Run by the human man Rolo Bearan.
Hogun's spirits and Wine - Owned and operated by a large human man named Hogun.
Valley Glass blower - The master Glass blower is a dwarven woman named Estella Mirecrush.
Nina's Dyes and Perfumes - Owned and operated by a human woman named Madam Allie. Secretly she runs a small brothel in the upstairs rooms.
Hal Voight the Cooper - Hal Voight (Mew) is the cooper in town.
Weavers gonna Weave - Wool and cotton are taken here and woven into most of the townsfolks clothes and blankets. It is operated by a trio of sisters. Human women named Pika, Tika, and Dot.
Drango's Leatherworks - Run by a half orc man named Trey Drango.
Rodolfo's Saddles and Horse wear - Rodolfo Instiltoe is a halfling man who is a master horse shoer and saddler.
Misty Mae Blacksmith - Misty Mae Trainor is the blacksmith for the town. She is a large human woman with huge muscles and red hair. She often wears her apron all around town and can often be seen looking for her asssstant. She currently employs an assistant named Kalis Karinn (Hops)
Ropes and Nets - The master rope weaver is a half elven man named Colinn Haystack.
Nigel's Gold and Silver - Owned by a gnomish man named Nigel Crumush.
Myxelplitkz General Store - Myx Petaluk is the Dwarven man who runs the General store in town. He currently has one employee is Kitty Bohannon.
Iglesia's Beer and Mead - The head brewer is a human man named Pelor Iglesia. He currently employs Casper Leafmane (Tyll Bebo) as an assistant.
Minpo's Farm - Vegetables, potatoes, Apples. This small farm on the South side of town is run by a halfling woman named Wela Minpo.
Canjo's Farm - Hay, Straw, Alfalfa, and Wheat. The Canjo's are a human couple with several children who never seem to have names. Gussie and Bellin Canjo spend most of their days plowing fields and harvesting grain on the south side of town.
Maggie's Dairy farm - Cows, Pigs, and Goats. Maggie Trimple runs this Dairy farm and she currently has five head of Guernsey's. She is an older fairly crabby human woman and she has a grudge with the Canjo's due to grain prices. Her current only hired hand is Lorca Mallorca a halfling woman (Karnak).
Blue Seal Tavern - This tavern has a large blue ribbon sign as you walk inside. It is run by Vera Bindlesmith a dwarven woman. The bartender is a human woman named Twyla and her backup is the Firbolg man named Casper Leafmane (Tyll Bebo). She will ask for help if he is inside the tavern.
Trotting Mare Inn & Tavern - Owned and operated by the Illithorpe's. Jan and Dirk Illithorpe can almost always be found there, they are an older couple who are always very optimistic. They think tourists are coming any day now due to everyone being in the offseason.
Baker’s oven and Buns - Owned and operated by Lara Ingraham an elven woman with a nasty personality. She mercilessly mocks most of the characters but especially the dwarven women. She also has one of the device keys that she keeps on a chain around her neck.
Lumber man and Wood Cutter Scott Malkinson. He is a notorious bully and scrapper. Level 2 fighter with good skills and he knows it.


See the Mayor’s mansion Battle Map.  Most of our action scenes will take place there.  The players will have to break in there to find the mind/soul/phylactery device.  Mercurio will also be staying there at the mayor’s discretion.  If found Mercurio’s room is blank and he sits motionless in a chair eyes open.

Guilds and Factions

Kitty Bohannon - Is having a tryst with Cog's Character Todd Bohannon - Kitty's Husband has a suspicion that his wife is cheating on him.  He works at Canjo's Farm.  Gussie Canjo - Patriarch of the Canjo Family he runs the Farm outside of the  main town.   Bellin Canjo - Wife of Gussie. Milhouse Canjo - The Canjo's son, he is a bit daft.


Townsfolk -
Scott Malkinson - human man likes to drink. Always quick to anger and worships Mercurio. He is a tavern brawler and has a resentment towards Tanis Ironshanks. He is a little infatuated with Karinn Kalis though and hits on her quite often.
Riggs - Older human man, likes to drink. Your classic barfly.
Murtaugh - Human man with dark skin, works at the lumber yard.
Mayor Balister Bonmot - Looks very similar to the Mayor on Warrior, tubby, fat cheeked and completely craven. He likes to give addresses at all times of day while standing on a crate his assistant carries around. This day he will address any crowd regularly about the upcoming Nurchan festival. “Good citizens of Oakwoode, just a reminder that tonight is the annual Nurchan festival! Let us be merry but not too merry. I want no fistfights, drunken sleep walking, cheese fights, Knit offs, or Naked street parties. Carry on!” Sometimes he says “Good Citizens of Oakwoode, This is your daily reminder that kobolds are nasty evil little sprites that will steal your children. They are godless ugly little creatures with no genitalia. Haha, that was a good one... carry on!” Next he says “ Good Citizens of Oakwoode, just a reminder that the annual Nurchan Brunch tomorrow will take place at the meeting hall. The orange crop never came in this year so their will be no mimosas. We did have a plentiful tomato crop so we will make up the shortfall with more Bloody Mary’s. That is all.”
Otoliths Smithers - The mayors assistant he is largely silent most of the day. A tall human man with very little hair he spends a lot of his day following the mayor around with an apple crate.
Barry Umbletoe - A fairly large attractive Halfling man who is a fisherman. He has a huge crush on Kalis Karinn and is trying to woo her away from her husband.  Other random folk: Kintolo Blowhorn, Yara Mistletoe, Bubil Ansalm, Cissy Cagerwahl, Molter Wineskin, Veleta Wahlder, Zing Medong, Miletus Pole.
Inhabitant Demonym


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