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Ailouron (ai-LOU-ron)

Hailing from a strange and distant land, wandering ailouron are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the world’s wonders. Ailouron appearances can vary drastically from one breed to another, from the Jubati (Cheetah-folk) that roam the deserts of Dhuma, to the Oncai (Panther-folk) in the jungles of Klokarr and the common Ailourons that can be found in almost every large city in Tanaria.
  Subspecies of Ailouron  
Biralli (Tiger-folk) These Ailouron resemble tigers, with their distinctive orange fur and black stripes. Known for their strength and ferocity, they often inhabit dense jungles and forested areas.
Lynxara (Lynx-folk) This subspecies has tufted ears and a short tail, similar to a lynx. They are highly adaptable and can be found in various environments, from temperate forests to colder regions.
Carcali (Caracal-folk) These Ailouron have a sleek build with long, tufted ears and are known for their agility and stealth, typically dwelling in arid and semi-arid regions.
Pardusi (Leopard-folk) Known for their adaptability and strength, these Ailouron have spotted coats and are proficient in both climbing and swimming, inhabiting various environments.
Jubati (Cheetah-folk) These Ailouron are incredibly fast and agile, with slender builds and tear-mark facial stripes, found in open plains and savannas.
Oncai (Panther-folk) These Ailouron are stealthy and powerful, with dark coats that help them blend into the jungle environment, often found in the rainforests of Klokarr.
Katul (Sand Cat-folk) These small, desert-dwelling Ailouron have sandy-colored fur and tufted ears, perfectly adapted to harsh, arid environments.
Kiesa (Common Ailouron) Commonly found in urban areas and large cities, these Ailouron resemble domestic house cats and are known for their curiosity and agility, often making excellent thieves and scouts.

Basic Information


Ailouron have a feline-like physiology with sleek, muscular bodies covered in fur. Their fur patterns and colors vary by subspecies, resembling those of various wild cats. They have sharp claws, retractable in some subspecies, and their faces feature prominent whiskers and catlike eyes, providing excellent night vision. Ailouron are known for their agility and strength, making them formidable in both combat and acrobatics.   All Ailouron exhibit these traits:
  • They are digitigrade and have five digits on their hands and four on their hind feet. Their curved claws are protractile, with the exception of the Jubati.
  • They have lithe and flexible bodies with muscular limbs.
  • Their tongues are covered with horn-like papillae, which rasp meat from prey and aid in grooming.
  • Their eyes are relatively large, situated to provide binocular vision. Their night vision is especially good. As a result, the eyes of felids are about six times more light-sensitive than those of humans, and many species are at least partially nocturnal.
  • They have well-developed and highly sensitive whiskers above the eyes, on the cheeks, and the muzzle, but not below the chin.[12] Whiskers help to navigate in the dark and to capture and hold prey.
  • Their external ears are large and especially sensitive to high-frequency sounds in the smaller species. This sensitivity allows them to locate small prey.
  • They have a vomeronasal organ in the roof of the mouth, allowing them to "taste" the air.

Biological Traits

Many ailouron disdain weapons in favor of their natural claws. They make excellent thieves due to their natural agility and unmatched acrobatic abilities. Many ailouron are also warriors. Either muscular and extremely hardy or lithe and very agile. In addition to their native quickness, ailouron have developed a natural proficiency in stealth, and have the added benefit of native night vision.  

Genetics and Reproduction

Ailouron are seasonally polyestrous, having multiple breeding cycles during the season, which varies by geographic and environmental factors. Females can cycle from winter until late fall, and those in tropical regions may cycle year-round. They reach maturity around age sixteen and have lifespans similar to humans.  

Growth Rate & Stages

Ailouron grow rapidly during their early years, reaching maturity at around sixteen. They have similar aging processes to humans, with distinct stages of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.  

Ecology and Habitats

Ailouron are highly adaptable and can survive in various regions and climates. They are found in deserts, jungles, cities, and more. Some breeds, like the Jubatis and Pantherans, are better suited to extreme climates, while others are more adaptable to urban environments.  

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ailouron are obligate carnivores, primarily consuming meat. They are skilled hunters and scavengers, often relying on their agility and stealth to catch prey. In urban environments, they might resort to foraging or even stealing food.  

Biological Cycle

Ailouron’s biological cycles are influenced by their environment. Their reproductive cycles and social behaviors are affected by seasonal changes and availability of resources.  


Ailouron value knowledge and new experiences over material wealth. They are curious and driven to explore and learn. Their solitary nature and complex social structures make their interactions varied and nuanced. They can form strong bonds with familiar individuals, particularly within matrilinear colonies.  

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cultures vary among the Ailouron from one subspecies to the next, but the common ailouron are solitary, having a distinct territory, but it is not uncommon to find colonies or prides of several individuals, small groups of co-operating females and kittens (matrilinear colonies). While there may be a very loose dominance hierarchy in these groups, the relationships are complex and they do not form an interdependent hierarchy as, for example, would occur in many canid based species or even humans. Relationships are complex, with stronger affiliative relationships between some ailouron and less affiliation with others – this may in part be influenced by how related they are, age, sex etc. However, they develop neither a social survival strategy nor a pack mentality and they continue to be solitary hunters.   Where social groups of ailouron do exist, they appear only to work well when the members of the group are familiar and when there is no competition over food or other resources. Ailouron can form strong social relationships with familiar individuals, and particularly between kittens in the same litter and between kittens and their mother. However, kittens may often be nursed (suckled) by more than one lactating queen, and this in itself may help in the formation of social bonds at a young age.   There may be a larger ‘central’ colony of females associated with the major food source and smaller ‘peripheral’ groups that develop around the central colony that, while still have access to the food source, have poorer access, poorer health and poorer reproductive performance.   Male ailouron are not commonly part of the small colonies, and they tend to exist on the periphery with large territories that may overlap several groups of females. The female groups/colonies generally have relatively more discrete and smaller territories although the size of female territories varies enormously, probably dependent largely on the abundance of food and the number/density of females in the group.  

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Ailouron are valued for their agility, stealth, and intelligence. They may serve as scouts, spies, or thieves. Their fur is sometimes sought after by unscrupulous traders, leading to occasional conflicts with humans and elves.  

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ailouron can be found in nearly every region of Tanaria. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in diverse environments, from the deserts of Dhuma to the jungles of Klokarr and urban areas across the continent.  

Average Intelligence

Ailouron possess intelligence on par with humans and elves, with a strong inclination towards learning and acquiring knowledge.  

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ailouron possess acute senses, particularly sight and hearing. Their night vision allows them to see clearly in low-light conditions. They also have a keen sense of smell and excellent balance and reflexes.  

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Ailouron are generally solitary and do not form large organizations. However, they may join guilds or societies focused on knowledge, exploration, or thievery.  

Beauty Ideals

Ailouron beauty ideals vary by subspecies but often focus on agility, grace, and the condition of their fur. Well-kept fur and a lithe, muscular build are commonly admired traits.  

Gender Ideals

Ailouron do not place significant emphasis on gender roles. Both males and females are valued for their abilities and contributions to their communities.  

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Ailouron is subtle and involves displays of agility, intelligence, and resourcefulness. Mating bonds are often formed through mutual respect and shared experiences.  

Relationship Ideals

Ailouron value independence and mutual respect in relationships. They form strong bonds with familiar individuals but maintain their autonomy.  

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Ailouron speak a variety of languages, often learning the tongues of the regions they inhabit. Their own language, Ailouric, is a melodic and nuanced tongue suited for their feline vocalizations.

Common Etiquette Rules

Ailouron etiquette emphasizes respect for personal space and independence. They value knowledge and are often eager to share stories and information.  

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Ailouron culture is rich with storytelling and exploration. They value knowledge and experiences over material wealth and are driven by curiosity.  


The Ailouron trace their origins to a divine lineage, hailing from a goddess of wisdom, shadows, and knowledge. This goddess, known as Lysaris, was a child of Mystara, the revered Goddess of Magic and Protection. Lysaris, enamored with the pursuit of knowledge and the mysteries of the world, sought to create beings who shared her insatiable curiosity and love for the unknown.   The first Ailouron was born from Lysaris's desire to see her passions manifest in a tangible form. This divine offspring, blessed with an intrinsic love for knowledge and the shadows, passed these traits onto his children, thus creating the Ailouron race in his image. The descendants of this first Ailouron inherited not only their progenitor’s thirst for knowledge but also their adaptability, agility, and affinity for stealth.   Throughout the ages, the Ailouron have wandered the world, driven by their divine legacy to explore, learn, and uncover the secrets of Tanaria. Their history is marked by a continuous quest for wisdom, which has led them to distant lands and diverse cultures. Despite their reclusive nature, their encounters with other races have left an indelible mark on the world, contributing to the rich tapestry of myths and legends surrounding their enigmatic race.  
Ailouron are cat-like people, known for high intelligence and agility. These traits make them very good thieves and acrobats, but Ailouron are also fearsome warriors.
Scientific Name
Genus: Ailouron
70-80 years
Conservation Status
Ailouron are not currently under threat and have adapted well to various environments. Their natural stealth and intelligence have allowed them to avoid significant dangers.
Average Height
3'5" - 5'8
Average Weight
90-180 lbs
Average Physique
Ailouron have lithe, muscular builds, well-suited for agility and speed. Their physical capabilities make them excellent climbers, runners, and fighters. Ailouron have feline facial features, including sharp eyes, whiskers, and retractable claws. Their fur patterns vary widely, resembling those of wild cats like cheetahs, panthers, and domestic cats.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Fur colors and patterns vary by subspecies, ranging from the spotted coats of the Jubati to the sleek black fur of the Oncai. Common Ailouron may have tabby, calico, or solid-colored fur.


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