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Alicorn (AL-ih-korn)

Alicorns are mythical horse-like creatures embodying the best traits of both of their Pegasi and unicorn parents. With their high intelligence, impressive physical attributes, and magical abilities, Alicorns form strong bonds with those they trust and are known for their loyalty and bravery. Despite their rarity and mystical nature, Alicorns continue to inspire legends and stories of heroism and virtue throughout Tanaria.  

Basic Information


The Alicorn is a majestic equine creature that combines features of both the Pegasus and the Unicorn. It has the muscular build of a horse, a single spiral horn on its forehead, and large, feathery wings. The coat is typically white, but can vary in color. The wings enable short bursts of flight, and the horn is believed to have magical properties.  

Genetics and Reproduction

Alicorns reproduce in a manner similar to other equines. They have a gestation period of around 11 months and typically give birth to a single foal. They can interbreed with unicorns and Pegasi, resulting in offspring with mixed traits. Fertility rates are low, contributing to their mythical status.  

Growth Rate & Stages

Alicorns grow rapidly in their early years, reaching full size by the age of five. They go through several life stages: foal, juvenile, and adult. Alicorns can live for several centuries, though their exact lifespan is a subject of legend.  

Ecology and Habitats

Alicorns prefer secluded, serene environments such as enchanted forests, high meadows, and mystical glades. They are often depicted in areas rich with magic and untouched by human civilization. Their presence is said to bring harmony to the ecosystem.  

Dietary Needs and Habits

Alicorns are herbivores, primarily grazing on grasses, herbs, and fruits. They have a preference for magical plants, which are believed to enhance their mystical abilities. Their diet is supplemented by the minerals they find in enchanted soils.  

Biological Cycle

Alicorns follow a seasonal cycle similar to that of horses. They molt their feathers annually, growing new ones in preparation for the next year. This molting process is believed to be a magical renewal, during which their powers are at their peak.  


Alicorns are known for their gentle and noble demeanor. They exhibit strong loyalty to those they bond with and are highly intelligent. Mating rituals involve aerial displays of agility and grace, attracting mates through beauty and strength.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Alicorns are solitary or live in small family groups. They are led by the eldest and most powerful member, usually a mare. They communicate through a combination of vocalizations, body language, and telepathy.  


Alicorns are not typically domesticated due to their magical nature and rarity. However, in rare instances, they can form bonds with pure-hearted individuals. The process of domestication involves gaining the Alicorn's trust and respect, often through acts of kindness and bravery. Once bonded, the Alicorn becomes a loyal companion, willing to protect and assist its partner. Domesticated Alicorns retain their intelligence and independence, and their magical abilities are not diminished by domestication.  

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The horn of an Alicorn is said to have powerful healing properties, making it highly sought after. Their feathers are believed to contain residual magic and are used in various magical potions and artifacts. Due to their rarity and power, they are often targeted by poachers and dark mages.  

Average Intelligence

Alicorns possess high intelligence, comparable to that of unicorns and Pegasi. They are capable of understanding complex commands and have a deep sense of empathy and intuition. Their intelligence allows them to form strong bonds with other beings and communicate telepathically.  

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Alicorns have heightened senses compared to regular horses. Their eyesight is keen, allowing them to spot predators from great distances. They possess a strong sense of hearing and smell. Some legends suggest they have the ability to sense the purity of one's heart or the presence of magic.  

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Alicorns are often accompanied by small, magical creatures such as fairies or sprites. They have few natural parasites due to their magical nature, but they can be targeted by dark magic or curses.  

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Silve Glade Guardians: An ancient order of mages who revere and protect magical creatures, including Alicorns.  

Beauty Ideals

White wings and symmetrical features are highly prized. Alicorns with unique patterns or colors are considered especially beautiful and are often the subject of legends.  

Gender Ideals

There is no significant gender distinction among Alicorns; both males and females are equally revered for their beauty, strength, and magical abilities.  

Courtship Ideals

Males perform aerial displays of strength and agility to attract females. Once a bond is formed, they mate for life, sharing a deep, telepathic connection.  

Relationship Ideals

Alicorns value loyalty and harmony. They form strong, lifelong bonds with their mates and offspring, and are known to protect their families fiercely.  


Alicorns were created by the goddess of light and protection, who infused them with the essence of both unicorns and Pegasi to serve as guardians of the enchanted realms. Over time, their numbers dwindled due to poaching and habitat destruction, making them a rare sight in the modern age.  

Common Myths and Legends

Many myths surround the Alicorns, including tales of their role in ancient battles against dark forces. They are often depicted as guiding lost heroes or providing aid to those in dire need.  

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Alicorns have positive relations with most magical creatures, including unicorns, Pegasi, and elves. They are wary of humans due to past conflicts but can form strong bonds with those who prove their worth.
The Alicorn (Winged Unicorn or Pegacorn) are even more rare than their Unicorn parent. A legendary creature, these magnificent animals are a cross between a Winged horse and a unicorn.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Equus alicornis
Conservation Status
Mythical (Presence in legends and myths, not documented in scientific records)
Average Height
Males: 16 to 18 hands (64 to 72 inches)
Females: 15 to 17 hands (60 to 68 inches)
Average Weight
Males: 1,000 to 1,200 lbs
Females: 900 to 1,100 lbs
Average Length
Wingspan: 15 to 20 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Alicorns typically have a white or light-colored coat, but they can also come in shades of black, brown, and even rare colors like silver or gold. Their wings often match their coat color, but can sometimes have unique patterns or markings. The horn of an Alicorn is usually a pearlescent white or silver, adding to their mystical appearance.  

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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