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Draconic is an ancient and powerful language, believed to have originated from the primordial dragons that once roamed the world. It is a language imbued with arcane power, often used in spellcasting and ancient rituals. The language's complexity and depth reflect the dragons' intelligence and grandeur. It is said that speaking Draconic with the proper intonation and respect can invoke the favor of dragonkind and the very elements themselves.  

Writing System

The Draconic alphabet consists of 26 characters, each representing a specific sound. The script is runic in appearance, with sharp angles and flowing curves, resembling the claws and scales of dragons.   Design:
The alphabet is designed to be written with claws or etched into stone. Each character is a combination of straight lines and curves, making it both elegant and imposing.  


  • Plosives: B, D, G, K, P, T
  • Fricatives: F, H, S, V, X, Z, Th, Sh, Gh
  • Nasals: M, N
  • Liquids: L, R
  • Affricates: Ch
  • Voiceless: K, P, T, F, S, Th, Sh
  • Voiced: B, D, G, V, Z, Gh
  • Short: A, E, I, O, U
  • Long: Ae, Ai, Ao, Ea, Ei, Eu, Ia, Ie, Io, Oa, Oe, Ou, Ua, Ue, Ui


Draconic is an agglutinative language, meaning that words are often formed by stringing together morphemes (the smallest units of meaning). Each morpheme carries a specific meaning, and when combined, they create complex words.  


Draconic typically follows a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) order. Adjectives and other modifiers generally precede the nouns they modify.  


Draconic vocabulary is extensive and nuanced, with many words having multiple layers of meaning depending on context and intonation. Words for elemental forces, emotions, and natural phenomena are particularly rich.  


  • Vowels are pronounced clearly and distinctly.
  • Consonants are often hard and guttural, reflecting the draconic nature.
  • Double consonants are pronounced with a slight pause between them.


Draconic verbs have three main tenses: past, present, and future. Each tense is indicated by a specific suffix: Past: -ar
Present: -ir
Future: -ur

Sentence Structure

Sentences in Draconic follow the Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) order. Complex sentences often use conjunctions to link clauses, and emphasis can be added by rearranging the word order.  

Adjective Order

Adjectives precede the nouns they modify. If multiple adjectives are used, the order is typically:
  1. Quantity
  2. Quality
  3. Size
  4. Age
  5. Shape
  6. Color
  7. Origin
  8. Material

Structural Markers

Structural markers in Draconic include particles that indicate questions, negation, and emphasis. These particles are placed at the beginning or end of sentences.  


20 Words.


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