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Igmut (Igg-mutt)

Igmut is a renowned deity, celebrated for his multifaceted nature as a creator, lover, magician, glutton, and trickster. His exploits are at the heart of countless oral tales, making him a beloved and enigmatic figure in the pantheon. Igmut is typically portrayed as a demiurge—an independent creative force who made fateful decisions and secured essential elements like fire and daylight for humanity. Yet, his frequent transgressions of societal norms often lead to social or physical chaos, which is invariably resolved by the conclusion of each folktale.  

Origins and Mythology 

The myths surrounding Igmut's origins are as varied and unpredictable as his character. In some cultures, it is said that he learned the secrets of creation from the Old Creator, who was so angered by Igmut's theft of knowledge that his wrath brought about the destruction of humanity. Igmut, in turn, rebuilt the world and humanity. These myths emphasize his role as a mischievous deity who dances on the edge of chaos and order.

Forms and Names

Like many deities, Igmut assumes numerous forms and goes by various names across different cultures and regions. However, he is most frequently seen as a cunning and sly fox or coyote. These creatures symbolize his nature as a trickster, known for his cleverness and ability to adapt to any situation.  


Igmut is a deity who is both loved and feared, with his worshipers seeking his favor for different reasons. Some seek his assistance in times of need or chaos, hoping that his tricks and magic will guide them to solutions. Others revere him for his creative and artistic aspects, valuing his role as the originator of human arts. Offerings to Igmut often include tokens of humor, such as jesters' masks or artful riddles.  

Tenets of Faith

  1. Embrace Chaos and Creativity: Followers of Igmut are encouraged to embrace the unpredictable and think creatively. They believe that chaos can lead to innovation and unexpected solutions.
  2. Learn from Transgressions: Igmut's faithful see his transgressions as valuable lessons. They view mistakes as opportunities for growth and adaptation.
  3. Celebrate Humor: Humor and wit are seen as valuable tools to navigate life's challenges. Igmut's worshipers appreciate the joy that laughter and cleverness can bring.

Festivals and Rituals

Festivals dedicated to Igmut often involve jesters, pranks, and storytelling. These celebrations reflect his whimsical and unpredictable nature. One of the most significant events is the "Festival of the Trickster," where communities come together to share jokes, perform tricks, and celebrate creativity.  

Artifacts and Symbols

Symbols associated with Igmut include a playful fox or coyote, a jester's cap, and a swirling, chaotic pattern. His favored artifacts often carry enchantments related to trickery and illusion.  

The Trickster's Aid

Those who gain Igmut's favor are believed to receive his aid in times of need. His divine influence can lead to unexpected solutions, clever escapes, and creative breakthroughs.  

Cultural Significance

Igmut's influence extends to the arts, folklore, and the way people approach problem-solving. His role as a trickster deity is both a source of amusement and a reminder of the ever-present balance between order and chaos in the world.
“This God was just like a real person in the old times. He was two-faced; he was evil, but he was also good. The people often use him in the evil way; and in the good way too. they use him for he has power to help as well as to harm.”
Titles: The Trickster, First Maker, Old Man Coyote
Domains: Trickery, Creation, Magic
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Pantheon: Trickster Deities
Worshipers: Those who appreciate wit, humor, and creativity, as well as those who seek assistance in times of need or chaos


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