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The Forgotten One

Origins and Early Role
The Forgotten One is a deity of immense power and ancient origins, part of the primordial pantheon that first blessed the world known as Tannarak. When the ancient gods set out to bless other lands, they appointed the Forgotten One as the sole guardian and steward of Tannarak. His primary role was to maintain the delicate balance of the world, ensuring that life flourished while also implementing the natural checks needed to sustain equilibrium.   Appearance
In his original form, the Forgotten One was a majestic and awe-inspiring figure. His visage was a blend of ethereal beauty and overwhelming authority, with eyes that shimmered like the stars and a presence that radiated both warmth and terror. His skin, said to be made of the very essence of the earth, glowed with a soft, golden hue, while his flowing hair resembled cascading rivers of silver and gold. He adorned himself in robes woven from the finest threads of reality, constantly shifting in color and texture, reflecting the ever-changing nature of Tannarak.   Powers and Abilities
The Forgotten One's powers were vast and unparalleled. He held dominion over all natural elements, capable of conjuring storms, calming seas, and invoking earthquakes with a mere thought. His control over life and death was absolute, able to breathe life into barren lands and extinguish it with equal ease. Among his most remarkable abilities was his power to spill his own divine blood into the soil, from which sprang forth the demigods, beings of immense power and purpose, intended to assist him in his guardianship.   Transition to Madness
For hundreds of thousands of years, the Forgotten One performed his duties with meticulous care and unwavering dedication. However, the burden of solitary guardianship began to erode his sanity. The isolation and the constant vigilance required to maintain balance took a toll on his divine mind. Gradually, his once-clear purpose became clouded by confusion and despair. The whispers of the void, the cries of the earth, and the endless passage of time gnawed at his sanity, twisting his perception of his duties.   Current State:
Now, the Forgotten One is a deity driven to madness, his once-noble purpose warped into a chaotic and unpredictable force. His appearance has changed to reflect his inner turmoil: his eyes, once shining with wisdom, now blaze with an unsettling, feverish light; his skin, once glowing with life, has taken on a cracked and ashen appearance, like parched earth. His flowing hair has become a tangled mass, mirroring the chaos within his mind. His robes, no longer resplendent, now appear tattered and darkened, as if absorbing the despair and confusion that surround him.


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