Arachhian Empire Organization in Tara | World Anvil
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Arachhian Empire

The Arachhian Empire was the one of the most powerful empires of prehistoric Age of Ist, the first era of the universe. It was ruled and controlled by the Arachhian race, otherwise known as the "Spider-Race."
It is estimated that it lasted for about 2,000 years, but as Arachhian time measurement is largely incomparable to Common time, exact dates are unknown. Nevertheless, it is thought to have been the first major civilization of the known universe.

The empire's arc of progress is closely intertwined with the progress the Arachhian language, and of linguistics in general, which were for the most part quite primitive at the time. This fact has made it a source of study to scholars and historians, furthering the popular belief that "life sticks better to stories."

The Arachhian Empire pre-dated the evolution of humans and other bi-pedal species, and was already long in decline by the time of any notable humanoid development, contrary to the popular misconception that early humans overthrew Arachhian power (a belief majorly advanced by the work The Life and Times of Onochar the Great by Funa Onochar).


The empire was ruled by the race after which it is named, the Arachhians, who were believed to be inherently superior to insects and other organisms. All major positions of power, including the Queen and heads of military, were strictly held by Arachhians.

Members of other insect races, however, could also held significant status, which ocurred with greater frequency in the later dynasties of the empire.

The highest position of power was held by the Queen, always a female Arachhian. Other ruling females of different settlements or areas were also referred to as Queens, though of a slightly lesser power, and they paid homage to and acknowledged the rule of the most powerful Queen. As such, this position is commonly referred to by historians as the Empress, but in Arachhian culture, both titles were the same and used interchangably.

Positions commanding military or trade were typically held by male Arachhians; females, especially those higher in status, rarely ventured far from their seats of power. Positions or jobs that required extensive travel were almost always held by males, if held by Arachhians at all - they were also commonly given to insects of varying species.


The Arachhian Empire saw a striking rise in intelligence and civilization as it progressed. It emerged from primitive bands of spiders savagely focused on hunting and feeding, into a complex society with its own distinct culture.


The earliest formation of the Arachhian Empire is generally thought to have taken place when varying bands of Arachhians began to join together, for purposes beyond that of simply hunting and feeding. This ocurred in tandem with the development of the Arachhian language.

There were multiple dynasties and periods of the Arachhian Empire, some more clearly defined in history than others. Generally, dynasties were established or overthrown when differing Arachhian ethnicities vied for power.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Spider Empire
Leader Title


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Jan 4, 2023 06:28 by Racussa

I like two points best: Firstly, the interconnected development of language and civilisation. You described very clearly in the beginning and in the end, how this worked. The second thing I like is the mentioning of time measurement and the unreliability of traditions (Who writes the history books...).

The world is not enough.
Sep 11, 2023 23:00

Thank you so much! The "history is written by the victor" idea is definitely very interesting to me.