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Dark Magic

Chronically feared, misunderstood, or shunned from magic studies, Dark Magic ofen finds itself swept into the sequestered shadows of magical institutions. Many people are surprised to learn that it belongs to the fundamental magics of the Classical House at all. In fact, Dark Magic is an important part of its house, just as fundamentally vital as its fellow Classical types. It is primarily known as the parallel, or twin, of Light Magic.

Venturing down the path of specializing in Dark Magic is an assiduous undertaking, and is only allowed to carefully selected individuals, due to fears of its inherent ties to Black Magic. These factors lend it a secretive, mysterious culture.

Accompanying and sub-studies of Dark Magic include war magic, lifeforce, paradoxism, diffraction, combat, shapeshifting, destruction, channelation, poisons, suppression, polarity, sexuality, divination, cost magic, sacrifices, ritualism, bindings, essence, reckoning, and more.


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