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The Sources of Magic

In the world of Tarana, there are three acceptable sources of magic: Aether, Mana, and Ffyllw. Which one a spell caster draws from is dependent entirely on their teachings or their attunement. And while all three can be used to cast any spell you can imagine, they each produce different textures to the spells as they are cast.  


  Aether flows down from the stars and charges the very air we breathe, associating it with the primal element of sky. As a result spells cast through Aether feel electric even if the damage they cause isn't. The arcane discharge of Aether smells like ozone. The Advantage that Aether has is its abundance and it is not as influenced by environmental factors making it more reliable as a source of magic. When casting a spell using Aether, the mage glows with with a bright silver aura.  


  Ffyllw (pronounced fee-loo) flows down from the moon than charges the water, associating it with the primal element of Sea. As a result ffyllw powered spells feel fluid, like running water. The arcane discharge smells of ocean breeze or petrichor. The Advantage of Ffyllw is it's growing strength as the moon waxes. However the power of ffyllw also wanes as it becomes less abundant, lending to the expected ebb and flow of the tide. When casting a spell using Ffyllw, the mage glows with an ocean blue aura.


  Mana climbs up from ley-lines in the earth and is charged by the sun, associating it with the primal element of land. As a result mana-powered spells feel gritty like dirt, sand, or a collection of stones. The arcane discharge smells of dust. The advantage of Mana is that it is very grounded, very sturdy, and hits like a boulder. The disadvantage is you need to attune yourself to a nearby ley-line as the further away you are from a line you are attuned to, the weaker your spells tend to be. When casting a spell using Mana, the mage glows with a burnt orange aura.  


  Blood is a forbidden source of magic, given that it consumes the life force contained within and is often used with sacrifice. Blood-powered spells literally boil the source, causing intense pain if the blood is still inside someone, even killing the subject if the spell is above 1st level. The arcane discharge of blood-fueled magic spells, of course, like blood. The advantage of using blood as a source is of course increased potency of the spell in question as it's being fueled by the very lifesource of a living sacrifice. This increased potency manifests with increased power and increased range. When casting a spell using blood, the mage is surrounded by blood red clouds.  


  Eldritch magic is forbidden in most societies, and in most cases. The only people who practice Eldritch magic are those who make deals with more powerful entities, for power, for knowledge, for revenge, etc... These people are called Warlocks. Eldritch Magic is always fragments of power from another entity; an Archfey, a Celestial, a Fiend, a Genie, or some alien force beyond mortal understanding, jut to list a few possibilities. Eldritch magic doesn't possess a unique smell to its arcane discharge, or a unique color aura, as these things are entirely dependent on both who and what the warlocks Patron is. But the advantage of Eldritch magic is anyone can attain it if they are willing to make the deal.  


  The power, the very material of a soul, is a forbidden source of magic, given it degrades the soul over time (and it always belongs to the mage casting the spell.) The fabric of the soul begins to fray with every spell fueled by it. Naturally, the stronger the spell, the more damaging it is to the mage's soul. As the soul deteriorates, the mage grows physically weaker, and sickly, and when the soul is spent, his body is left as a husk. Assuming the mage doesn't die outright, they register as undead, but have long since lost the ability to cast spells. The arcane discharge of soul-powered magic is difficult to describe. A scent that can't quite be placed, even as it sits on the tip of your tongue. Recognizable yet unrecognizable. Familiar yet not. The advantage of using your soul to power magic, is it can allow you to push past natural limitations, allowing you to cast stronger spells for longer. The disadvantage is the damage done to the soul, which can not be repaired. When casting a soul powered spell, the mage is surrounded by an opalescent aura.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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